What Is Unique About Almond Trees? Interesting Facts About The Almond Tree

The Almond tree is one of the most popular and revered trees ever. It plays quite a role in several religions and customs. The almond tree also symbolises a whole lot of things.

Despite our vast knowledge of almonds, there are still several unique and interesting facts about this popular plant. Let’s discuss some of them.

What Is Unique About Almond Trees?

There are several unique and interesting facts about Almond trees. Let’s list a few.

  • Almonds can help regulate blood pressure.
  • They can lower the chances of getting osteoporosis.
  • Almonds can reduce blood cholesterol levels.
  • Their nuts are rich in Vitamin E, fiber, protein, magnesium, calcium, and potassium.
  • Researchers discovered that the almond flower nectar contains a unique poison. However, this poison doesn’t harm bees rather they find it intoxicating.
  • Almonds from Israeli are sweeter, bigger, and more nutritious than other almonds grown elsewhere on the world.
  • The word “almond” is derived from t “amygdala,” which is a Greek word. That is why almond-shaped structures in the brain are called amygdalae.

Do Almond Trees Shed Leaves?

Yes, Almond trees do shed their leaves because they are deciduous trees. They lose their leaves from November to January, during Spring or Fall. Almond trees stay dormant or lose their leaves in preparation for the winter.

Do Almond Trees Need A Lot Of Water?

Yes, Almond trees need a lot of water. Almond trees are nuts and all nuts are water-intensive plants.

It takes 1.1 gallons of water to grow just one Almond, and it takes 1,600 gallons to produce a pound of Almonds. In California, the water footprint of almonds averaged about 12 liters per almond kernel.

This seemingly extravagant water consumption has caused a stirrup, as many people blame California’s drought problem on Almond farming. 1

How Often Do You Water An Almond Tree?

Water your Almond tree as frequently as possible. You can water them through a drip irrigation system or a soaker hose.

An Almond tree should be watered or irrigated in the morning when the temperature is much cooler. Ensure that you water the tree close to the ground.

When the buds swell in March, make sure you water them regularly. Give them one to one and a half inches of water every two weeks.

During The fall, the almond tree needs less water. You can give your almond tree one-third less water than recommended without it affecting the trees health.

September, provide the tree with 2 to 2 1/2 inches of water every other week. In October, water it with 1 inch of water. Then, during November, water the tree with 1/2 inch of water.

In June and August, water your almond tree with three to four inches of water every two weeks. Although, in July, the amount of water can be reduced to two or two and a half inches. Bear in mind that this could reduce the number of nuts produced. 2

What Is The Life Expectancy Of An Almond Tree?

An Almond tree can last as long as twenty-five five to thirty years. On Average, they can last for twenty to twenty five years.

Are Almond Trees Deciduous?

Yes, Almond trees are Deciduous trees. They shed their leaves seasonally and they deciduous with a hardy dormancy.

A deciduous tree is a trees that loses its leaves at maturity. You can find these type of trees are in temperate and tropical climates all over the world. Deciduous trees normally have broad flat leaves that grab enough sunlight and retain a great quantity of water. In most some cases, like in the Almond tree, leaf loss collides with winter — like in polar or temperate climates without sunlight for photosynthesis to occur.

In other regions of the world, deciduous trees lose their leaves during the dry season or any other seasons, depending on variations in rainfall. The trees become dormant during this period as a means of survival.

The process where deciduous trees shed their leaves and other unneeded parts is called Abscission.

If a tree isn’t deciduous, it is evergreen. Evergreen trees do not lose their leaves or other unneeded parts. These trees keep their leaves all year.

Examples of deciduous trees are Oak, Hickory and Maple trees.

Oak trees lose their leaves in the fall and grow them back in Spring. This makes them characteristic deciduous trees. Oaks are hardwood trees that have large, leaves with shapes like lobes and produce a nut fruit called an acorn.

Oaks can grow in temperate forests, rain forests and arid Mediterranean landscapes. 3

Hickory is a deciduous tree belonging to the walnut family. It has about 18 species, where 15 are native to North America and Canada, and the remainders are native to Asia. Examples of hickory are Shagbark hickory, shellbark hickory, mockernut hickory and pecan.

The Hickory tree grows in floodplains, also in evergreen and deciduous forests. This tree requires rich, well-drained soil and full sun in order for it to thrive.

Maple trees lose their leaves in the winter. Examples of Maple tree species are Japanese maple, Red maple, Norway maple, Sugar maple, etc.

Should Almond Trees Be Pruned?

Yes, Almond trees should be pruned. Although, there are farmer who would beg to differ, these farmers are of the opinion that their shouldn’t be any form of pruning whatsoever. Or, they believe in a ‘not too serious’ clipping of leaves and few branches here and there.

However, the popular and frequently chosen option is that Almond trees are to be pruned. But this must be done during a trees dormant season.

When pruning, there are two types of cuts — heading cuts and thinning cuts. Heading cuts involve removing only part of an existing branch, while thinning cuts involves cutting or removing the entire limb.

It is important to bear in mind that these trees are quite sensitive, so annual pruning is not advisable.

For young almond trees, pruning is advised to promote healthier growth in the long run.

Are There Male And Female Almond Trees?

Almond trees are monoecious, which mean that their flowers are perfect – one plant has male and female plants. Nevertheless, two different varieties of almond trees are needed for pollination to occur, except in self pollinating varieties.

Are Almonds Trees Sprayed With Pesticides?

Affirmative. Almond trees are sprayed pesticides like Ziram, Oryzalin, Glyphosate, Paraquat Dichloride, and Clarified Hydrochloric extract. These pesticides are quite dangerous to animals and humans.

Research has even shown that pregnant women who come in contact with these pesticides by any chance are at the risk of having autistic babies.

These pesticides are also very dangerous to bees. When colonies of bees are sent to pollinate Almond trees, many do not return or when they do remnants of these chemicals they ingest are found in their honey. Read more about the effect of pesticides in Almond trees on bees.

Citations Used In This Article

  1. Water-indexed benefits and impacts of California almonds (sciencedirect).
  2. How to Water an Almond Tree (sfgate).
  3. What Are Deciduous Trees? – Types, Definition & Examples (study.com) .