Pomegranate Growing Stages – Know how you can grow a pomegranate plant

Do you know how you can grow a pomegranate plant? You may have been pondering or asking yourself and others that particular question, but you don’t need to worry or bother yourself with questions as regards how you can grow a pomegranate plant. In this article, we will be looking at various ways you can grow a pomegranate plant.


Where do pomegranate trees grow best?

Pomegranates thrive in climates with moderate, pleasant winters and hot summers. Pomegranate is a plant that requires enough or adequate sunlight to grow( at least six hours of sunlight daily).  Regions with hot or warm weather conditions are just the suitable place for the pomegranate plant.  Other examples of plant that need a high amount of sunlight to grow includes:

  • Aloe Vera
  • Croton
  • Sweet Basil
  • Sunflower etc.

Also as earlier mentioned, pomegranate grows in areas, places, or countries  that have enough sunlight, some of the countries include:

  • Spain: They have the largest pomegranate production.1
  • Turkey
  • Iraq
  •  India: They are a major exporter of pomegranate to countries Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Netherlands.2
  •  Iran
  • Burma
  •  Saudi
  • Afghanistan,
  • Pakistan
  • Syria
  • north and tropical Africa,
  • Armenia
  • China
  • Egypt
  • Bangladesh

Aside from sunlight, growing a healthy pomegranate will require the presence of sandy loamy soil. Although pomegranate can survive and grow on any other kind of soil, sandy loamy soil remains the best for the plant.

Also, pomegranate is drought resilient, and irrigating pomegranate is required for the production of fruit. However, pomegranates will not grow well in regions where there is heavy rainfall.

how do you grow a pomegranate plant?

 Growing a pomegranate plant doesn’t require or need much stress. It is a task that is quite easy to deal with. Below are step-by-step directions on how to plant a pomegranate plant.

  • Select a suitable or appropriate variety of the pomegranate plant. Some of those species include:
  • Ambrosia Pomegranate
  • Desert Pomegranates
  • Priyanka Pomegranate
  • Pink Satin Pomegranate
  • Sharp Velvet Pomegranate
  • Sweet Pomegranate. 3
  • To allow the tree and its roots to develop themselves, the soil around the tree should be loose.
  • Choose well-drained, slightly acidic soil. The best soil for growing pomegranate is sandy loam soil. They can grow in other soil types too.
  • Choose a kind that is appropriate for your area (some thrive well in cooler zones), and go for dwarf types for containers.
  • Dig up your soil and plant your trees. If you intend to plant numerous trees, leave at least 15-20 feet between each one, especially if you intend to harvest the fruit. If you’re utilizing smaller decorative shrubs as a border, you can space them anywhere from six to nine feet apart.
  • If you are unsure or uncertain about where to plant your pomegranate, choose a location in your yard or garden that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. The sheltering of this region is possible. This region can be somewhat sheltered, but not completely because pomegranates prefer the sun and warmth.

how do you grow pomegranates in your backyard?

Growing pomegranates can be done in the backyard of your house. Pomegranate as earlier mentioned has different varieties and therefore, is planted and grown even in the comfort of your home. Growing pomegranate in your backyard takes doesn’t take much or cause much stress at all. Below is a step-by-step guideline on how to grow pomegranates in the backyard.

  • Considering the soil requirement needed in growing pomegranate: The growing of pomegranate can be done effectively on highly fertile sandy loam soil. They can be grown better in soil with a good drainage system too. So if you are going to be planting pomegranates in your backyard, you ought to ensure that you have good soil and good drainage available too. Pomegranate however can still be grown on other soil types.
  • Ensure your backyard is such that it is open to sunlight. Pomegranates will not grow well in shade.
  • Ensure availability of water supply, though too much irrigation can cause damage to the plant.
  • Get your pomegranate seeds, ensure you wash them with water, and keep them for a few days.
  • When planting pomegranates in the backyard, it is best to use a pot or container, this will serve you better in terms of maintenance and better management of the plant.
  • Plant the seed down into the potting mixture preferably 0.25 inches downwards.
  • Put the pot or container out in the sun and always keep the soil moist.
  • Fertilize your plant at most thrice a year as pomegranates do not need too many fertilizers.
  • Be alert and ensure to examine your plant to keep it safe from pests and insects.

 how do you grow pomegranates from cuttings?

The propagating of pomegranate is through seedlings, seeds, and cuttings. A hardwood cutting that is taken at the right time is necessary for growing a pomegranate tree from cuttings. Pomegranate tree cuttings are in the late winter. Each cutting should be roughly 10 inches (25 cm) long and made from wood that is at least a year old and has a diameter of between 14 and 12 inches (6 mm and 1 cm) 4. Immediately after taking a cut, dip the cut end of each pomegranate tree in a commercial growth hormone.

Before planting, you can let the roots grow in your greenhouse. Alternatively, you could plant the cuttings right away in their final resting place. If you choose to plant the cuttings outside, choose a location with loamy soil that receives direct sunlight. Each cutting’s lower end should be inserted into the prepared soil.

To carry out this propagation by cutting, here are some of the equipment you might be needing:

  • Quality propagation knife.
  • Sharpening stone
  • Hand pruners
  • Grafting wrap or tape
  • Grafting wax
  • Hand fork
  • Rake
  • Shovel

Propagating pomegranate from cuttings also has its advantages too which include:

  • Propagation through pomegranate cuttings produces a much more better and consistent yield.
  • Cutting is identical to their parent plant.
  • Cuttings are typically the most robust plants and they are usually strong.

However, cuttings have their disadvantages which include:

  • It takes a longer time to get yield or fruits from cuttings.
  • If you do not take cuttings from a mother plant, they are more challenging to obtain.

 how do you grow pomegranate seeds in the UK?

The United Kingdom is a cold place and based on what we have read concerning pomegranates in this article, we understand that they thrive better in warm or hot places. In a place like the UK, one would need to be very careful to prevent your pomegranate from dying due to the harsh and cold weather conditions. In places like the UK, pomegranate is grown more in pots and containers where they can easily be transferred from one place to another where they can get enough sunlight.

 how do you grow dwarf pomegranates?

This multi-stemmed deciduous shrub bears beautiful orange-red pomegranate fruit after producing orange-red single blooms in the late spring or early summer. For several months, the tiny 2-inch fruits hang from the shrub, enhancing its aesthetic value in the environment. Although the fruit is edible, most people find it to be too sour for their tastes. It is lovely, glossy green foliage change into an eye-catching shade of yellow in the fall. Punica granatum also known as ‘Nana’ makes a wonderful container plant.

 how to grow a pomegranate tree indoors

Pots and containers are majorly used in growing trees indoors. Pomegranate trees can be too tall for most household contexts when they are fully grown, reaching heights of up to 30 feet (9 meters). When growing pomegranate houseplants, the overcoming of the size can be tackled by planting a dwarf pomegranate tree, which grows to heights and widths of 2 to 4 feet (61 cm. to 1 m.). Because the tiny, sour fruits of dwarf pomegranates are packed with seeds, this now leads to people only growing them as aesthetic trees. When growing pomegranate indoors, you should give your pomegranate tree enough water so that the soil is always moist but never saturated. Water deeply until water drips out of the drainage hole, then wait a little while for the soil to partially dry up before watering once more. Never let the ground get completely dry.

During the spring and summer, the fertilizing of your pomegranate tree is important. However, using an all-purpose liquid fertilizer that has been diluted to half strength should be employed because pomegranate cannot take a very strong fertilizer. When the plant feels a little bit root-bound, but not before, repotted the pomegranate into a pot that is only one size larger.

 How long does it take for a pomegranate tree to grow pomegranate?

It takes about six to seven months for a pomegranate plant to grow and about a period of two to five years to bear fruits. The best harvesting times are in September and October. When planted in ideal conditions, pomegranates can live up to 200 years or longer. Pomegranate trees should be a part of your landscape because they grow quickly compared to other fruit trees. The ripening of the pomegranate can lead to the harvesting in less than three years with a little care and patience. Pomegranate, as every other plant, has necessary conditions that are to be in place for healthy growth

Some of the necessary conditions for the pomegranate to grow are:

  • Good soil: Finding a spot with sandy loam soil should not be that hard. Getting well-drained soil also should help you when deciding where to put your tree. This is ideal for pomegranates, but your tree should survive as long as there is excellent drainage.
  • Adequate sunlight: Choose a location that receives at least six hours of sunlight each day. This is essential for pomegranate growth.
  • Fertilizer: A pomegranate tree needs enough nitrogen for maximum growth since nitrogen promotes the development of blooms and fruits as well as the growth of leaves.
  • Pruning: Pruning pomegranate aids in controlling growth, boosting yields, enhancing the size and quality of the fruit, and preserving the health and vigor of the plant. The majority of pruning should be in the dormant period of the tree.
  • propagation: Propagating pomegranate is highly essential and needed. This also helps in the growth and development of the plant. Propagating pomegranate by cuttings is one of the best ways to produce new trees that bear fruit that is identical to the fruit of the original tree by employing cuttings (softwood and hardwood) and micropropagation. Cutting-based propagation speeds up pomegranate development.

Some major hindrance to the growth of pomegranate includes:

  • Inadequate sunlight.
  • Pest and disease attack.
  • Over watering of plants.

However, if all the necessary conditions are put in place, your pomegranate plant will bloom and flourish.

Citations used in this article include: