What Animals Eat Sycamore Seeds? 2 Must-Know Before Eating.

Do you want to eat some sycamore seeds? Are you looking for animals that eat sycamore seeds? I bet you’re asking that in your head right now. There are many species of sycamore trees and all of them produce seeds that have a hard outer shell with a soft inner kernel. The leaves of the tree are divided into three sets of seven to thirteen leaflets which fall in the spring and summer and are often called ‘hands of cards.

In this post, you will get a list of animals who love to munch on the seeds of the Sycamore tree.

Also, learn about different kinds of sycamore trees.


Is Sycamore Seed Edible?

Sycamore seeds are edible but not as a snack food. Cleaning the seeds is difficult due to the shell around them. They have traditional uses in the food and are especially popular in Southeast Asia.

In Vietnamese cuisine, they are substitutes for tapioca pearls in bubble tea. The seeds get extracted from the shell and boiled until soft enough to blend into a drink. In China, they help as a thickening agent for soups and stews.

The seed coat gets taken off first. Then the seeds get ground into a powder to add into liquids as an alternative to cornstarch or flour. Because of its neutral flavor, sycamore seed powder goes with many dishes.

Can Sycamore Seeds be Eaten?

Sycamore seeds are edible, but they are not as helpful as acorns. The flavor is bland, and the texture is not too pleasant.

Sycamore seeds are available at most health food stores and online. They are not cheap, considering that most people only use them once in a while.

If you have an interest in cooking with sycamore seeds, there are two ways to go about it:

  • You can either dry them out and grind them into flour
  • You can soak them overnight and then blend them into a paste.

The latter method will give you a smoother result, but it also takes more time and effort.

2 Must-Know Before Eating Sycamore Seeds

  • Avoid consuming the seeds in large amounts. 
  • Ensure to prepare them well before eating.

What Animals Eat Sycamore Seeds?

Sycamore trees produce round seeds eaten by a wide variety of animals. Some animals eat them straight from the tree, while others find them on the ground or in other ways. 1

These seeds are not a staple for this animal, which prefers other foods like acorns and grasses.

Below is a list of animals that eat sycamore seeds:

  • Purple finch
  • Goldfinch
  • Chickadees
  • Dark-eyed Junco Muskrats
  • Beavers
  • Squirrels
  • Clever bird
  • Chipmunks
  • Rabbit
  • Red-tailed hawks
  • Woodpeckers
  • White-tailed deer
  • Foxes
  • Raccoons
  • Opossums
  • Jays

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Do Squirrels Eat Sycamore Seeds?

Yes, squirrels eat sycamore seeds. That is why you will often see squirrels climbing up a sycamore tree. They launch themselves out into the air to catch the spinning seed pod in their mouth (or sometimes in their hands or even feet). These squirrels are agile and can get the falling seed pod with ease. Squirrels love to eat the seeds and will devour them before they even have a chance to grow.

Squirrels get recognized for their busy and bushy tails, but they are also known for being opportunistic eaters. It means that squirrels will eat different things, and when it comes to the seeds, the answer is yes, squirrels are very likely to eat them. Squirrels eat all kinds of seeds, nuts, and fruits.

They are herbivores, meaning that they are plant-eaters. So, if you are planting something and want to keep squirrels away from it, you may have to resort to other tactics.

Can Sycamore Seeds be Eaten by Humans?

Sycamore seeds can be safe for humans to eat. It is common for people to eat them every year as a delicacy. There are some risks involved with eating sycamore seeds, including illness from eating too many.

If you’re thinking about eating these seeds, follow these safety tips.

  • Ensure it is ripe.
  • Avoid diseased trees.

Ensure it is Ripe

Make sure the seeds are ripe and not old or stale. The best way to do this is by looking at the color of the seed pod. If it’s green or brownish-green, it might be too young and won’t taste good. Make sure you don’t try to pick them until they’ve turned a dark reddish-brown color; otherwise, they may taste bitter or sour.

Avoid Diseased Trees

Also, make sure that the tree isn’t diseased before taking any of it. If there is any sign of diseases such as discolored leaves (yellowing) or wilting branches/leaves, then do not take any from that tree.

What are the Benefits of Sycamore Seed?

Below are three benefits of sycamore seeds:

  • Provide nutrients
  • Treatment of hemorrhoids
  • Treatment of constipation

Provide Nutrients

Sycamore seed contains protein but not much fat or carbohydrates. It also contains calcium, iron, and vitamins A and E.

A nutrient is a substance that an organism needs to live and grow. All living organisms need certain amounts of each type of nutrient. There are six types of nutrients that all living organisms need in order to survive:

  • Proteins
  • Fats and oils
  • Carbohydrates
  • Minerals
  • Vitamins
  • Water

The first three are known as macronutrients and the latter three are micronutrients.


The term macronutrient refers to the nutrients in food that provide the body with energy. The three macronutrients are protein, carbohydrates, and fats, which together make up a food group known as a macro. Protein provides the body with the most energy per gram of any macronutrient and is found in foods like chicken and eggs.

Carbohydrates provide less energy per gram than protein but are still a very important source of energy in the diet and can be found in foods like cereal and potatoes. Fats provide the least amount of energy per gram of any macronutrient but can be an essential part of a healthy diet if eaten in moderation.


The term micronutrient refers to nutrients that are necessary for growth and development but are only required in very small quantities. Micronutrients include vitamins and minerals that cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained from the diet. Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of most micronutrients, but supplementation is sometimes necessary to meet the minimum daily requirements for some nutrients.

Treatment of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are due to increased pressure in the veins around the anus. The blood vessels in these veins get swollen and inflamed, resulting in bleeding during a bowel movement or after straining at stool. It can get treated by consuming these seeds containing tannins that act as astringents and help shrink the swollen blood vessels.

Hemorrhoids are a common ailment that many people suffer from, and it can be difficult to know how to treat them. Some of the most popular ways to treat hemorrhoids include creams, ointments, suppositories, and medications like aspirin and ibuprofen. If these methods are not working for you or if your hemorrhoids are severe enough to warrant surgery, there are surgical treatments as well.

Treatment of Constipation

These seeds help treat constipation because they contain laxative properties that help to promote bowel movements and relieve constipation by inducing contractions in intestinal muscles. They also stimulate intestinal muscles and prevent their spasms by promoting regular bowel movements.

Constipation is the condition of having fewer than three bowel movements per week, with hard or dry stools and a straining sensation when trying to move the bowels. Constipation can be caused by a lack of fiber in the diet, a lack of fluids in the diet, or lifestyle factors such as a sedentary lifestyle or medications such as diuretics. There are many different treatments for constipation depending on its cause and severity but the most common treatment is dietary changes and increased exercise.

Can Sycamore Seeds be Eaten as Pregame Food?

Yes, Sycamore seeds can serve as pregame food.

The seeds are from a large deciduous tree with wide-spreading branches and brownish-grey bark. The leaves are opposite, simple, and with an undivided blade. It is one of the most common trees in Europe, growing naturally in damp woods, riverbanks, and floodplains.

The best time to collect the seeds is when they have fallen from the tree in autumn or winter. You can also get them in spring if you want to plant them fast into the soil or potting compost. You can store the seeds for up to one year if they have dried out first (i.e., spread them out on a tray and leave them in a warm place).

The seeds contain many nutrients like vitamins A and C, iron, potassium, calcium, and protein.

Are Sycamore Seeds Poisonous?

Sycamore seeds are actually not poisonous, but it is hard for many animals to digest them because of their high tannin content. The tannins in these seeds may act as a strong laxative for some people. However, there is no definitive answer to whether or not these seeds are poisonous because there is no scientific evidence suggesting that is the case and because of how easily digestible these seeds are for most other animals.

Although these seeds are edible when cooked or soaked overnight in water, and serve as a flour substitute for baking cakes or biscuits. But one should not eat them raw without cooking them first because they contain natural chemicals called tannins which cause nausea and vomiting if consumed raw.

Sycamore trees are a type of deciduous tree found mostly in Eastern North America. In the fall, the leaves of a sycamore tree change from green to red and brown as they drop to the ground. Sycamore trees have an interesting growth pattern in that their trunk can grow up to 2 meters per year.

Can Sycamore Seeds be Eaten Raw?

Animals can eat them raw. But it is advisable for humans not to eat them raw. The seeds cause vomiting and diarrhea when consumed raw.

Sycamore seeds are not safe to eat raw because the seed contains trace amounts of cyanide which can make it dangerous if eaten in quantity. The amount of cyanide found in the seed is very low and does not usually pose a problem for most people, but those with sensitivities to the chemical may experience stomach pain or nausea after eating the seed.
If this is the case, it is recommended that those sensitive to cyanide avoid consuming sycamore seeds and consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
Sycamore seeds are not edible raw and can be toxic if consumed in large quantities because of the cyanide that is present in the seed and its oil. While these seeds are not safe to eat in their raw state, they can get cooked and eaten if properly prepared. In general, it is not advised to eat raw sycamore seeds as there is a possibility that consuming them will have serious side effects like headache, nausea, or vomiting.

Read about what sycamore seeds look like.

Citations Used in this Article

  1. Can you eat sycamore seeds? (easierwithpractice.com)