Is Almond Farming Profitable? How To Grow Almonds

Almonds are a nutritious and healthful nut that is also known as the “King of Nuts” in India. They are a cholesterol-free and well-balanced diet.

Almond is a medium-sized tree of the rose family. It resembles the peach, plum, and apricot. It contains edible seed in a hard outer shell.

When reaching maturity, Almond hull splits open, the almond nut can be easily separated from the hard shell once it is dried.

Should i Plant Almond Trees?

Almond farming is planting and growing of the almond tree in small or large scale for consumption of almond either for personal or commercial purposes. Commercial almond farming is a very common and old business in some countries.

The high demand and market value of almond are the primary benefits of commercial almond farming business. The total global production of almonds was 3.5 million tonnes in 2019, led by the United States providing 55% of the world total.

Other leading almond producers were Spain, Iran and Turkey. The University of California Agricultural issues center in December 2014 published that Almond generated more than 100,000 jobs and more than $21 billion gross revenue across all industries since the jobs generated by almond industry reach far and beyond the farm and processing plant.

The almond tree is often included in the list with top 5 most profitable plants to grow. Almond contain vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. Hence, it offers a number of health benefits. Almond trees are among the earliest trees cultivated by people as cultivation can be traced to as early as 4000 B.C.

Scientists have associated several potential health benefits with almonds. A study, The Protective Effect of peanut , Walnut and Almond consumption on the development of Breast Cancer (2015) examines nut consumption and cancer risk.

It states that among the individuals who consume higher qualities of peanuts, walnuts and almonds have lower risk of breast cancer. More so, in a study from 2014, scientists found that almonds significantly increase the level of antioxidants in the bloodstream, reducing blood pressure and improve blood flow.

How Are Almond Trees Planted?

Almond tree thrive in mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers in full sun. Thus if your region does not fall within these parameters, it is unlikely an almond tree will provide fruit.

Almond trees are deep rooted and should be planted in deep, fertile and well-draining sandy loam soil. It is advisable you contact your local County Extension Office for information about soil testing. Almond trees grow best in the soil that has between 6 and 7 pH level.

Before planting, work fully decomposed manure or finished compost into the soil, as deep as you can, covering an area much more extensive than your planting hole. This organic material helps to improve drainage and gives the soil a good boost of slow-release nutrients.

When planting your almond trees, space your almond trees 15 to 20 feet apart. If they are planted less, after years of planting, overcrowding and mutual shadowing of tree will decrease the quality and quantity of production and also make pruning difficult.

Dig a planting hole with your shovel roughly three times wider than the root ball and at least twice as deep. Almond trees have a long taproot that needs plenty of space. Rinse as much of the soil off of the root ball as possible. Rinsing the excess soil puts the roots in good contact with the soil in the planting hole and helps hydrate them before planting. Backfill the hole with the soil you initially removed.

Gently tamp the soil with your hands or feet as you go to push the air pockets out while not compacting the root zone. Water the almond sapling and allowing the water to soak into the soil before adding more.

Watering hydrates the roots and helps settle the ground in the planting hole. Use white paint or wrap the trunk of the tree in protective plastic. This coating will help prevent sun-scorch and damage caused by woodpeckers, squirrels, and groundhogs.

Almond trees are often planted at an angle of 8-14° into prevailing wind. This technique is believed to protect the tree from fungal or root rots.

Why Are Almond Trees Planted At An Angle?

Almond farmers usually plant their trees so that they have an angle of 8-14° into the prevailing wind. They do this because, it’s believed to protect trees from fungal or root rots.

How Far Apart Should Almond Trees Be Planted?

Almond trees should be planted 19 to 26 feet apart. Some Californian farmers plant between 21 feet to 22 feet, with some orchards as close as 20 feet and wide as 24 feet. Some farmers even their 15 to 20 feet apart.

Is Almond Good For Firewood?

Almond firewood burns hot and lasts a long time. It’s frequently likened to oak firewood. Almond wood, in fact, is one of the top five BTU-producing woods among the most common types of firewood.

Almond wood is more difficult to light because of its density, but once it’s going, your fire will endure all night. It makes a great bed of coals that stays hot long enough to burn more logs.

A single almond firewood log placed over coals can extend the burn time by 2-3 hours, allowing you to save money on firewood. As long as it has been properly seasoned, almond wood burns efficiently and cleanly.

The outcome is a fire that, like an oak fire, leaves relatively few ashes. When burned, almond firewood emits a delicious, nutty aroma. The aroma is distinct from that of freshly cut wood.

When burned, fresh almond firewood has an almost fake almond extract smell, however seasoned firewood has a light, roasted aroma.

Is Almond Farming Profitable?

Yes, Almond farming is quite profitable. It’s also quite a low risk business.

What Is The Best Fertilizer For Almond Trees?

Nitrogen Fertilizer

In almond trees, nitrogen is needed to renew and invigorate fruiting wood. Also, it is needed for fruit growth and development. The greatest need for nitrogen occurs when the almond trees came into production.

At this time, the demand for nitrogen is due to fruit development, foliage formation and tree storage in roots and branches.

Nitrogen fertilizers need to be applied with care to young trees, as high N concentrations in soil solution may burn the roots. A good rule is to apply no more than one ounce of N per tree per year of growth with a single application.

In order to reduce the risk of root burn, granular fertilizers should be used for first-leaf trees.To second-leaf trees, liquid fertilizers, such as UN-32 or CAN 17 can be applied.

Potassium and Phosphorus Fertilizer

These essential elements are inadequate in many soils around the world. Because of these differences, soil tests should be performed prior to planting to determine the amount of P and K required.

Pre-plant soil amendment allows for the use of lower-cost fertilizers at larger rates without affecting the plant. If soil sufficiency levels are variable or uncertain.

If a potassium deficiency is detected after leaf analysis, almond growers often add 15-20 lbs. (6,8 to 9 kg) of potassium sulfate (K2SO4) in every mature tree.

When Should I Fertilizer My Almond Tree?

Fertilizer should not be applied to recently planted trees until spring after the trees leaf out. Because fertilizer can result to irrigation system inefficiency. Further applications, if needed, can be made every 4-6 weeks.

Is The Almond Fruit Edible?

The edible kernel of the sweet almond tree’s fruit is the almond. It’s a reddish brown fruit with a dazzling white exterior.

The sweet almond tree produces the almonds that we eat as dried fruit, fried, and/or salted. The almond is a dry fruit that provides between 576 and 626 calories per 100 grams and is high in phosphorus, calcium, and other elements that are beneficial to one’s health, such as iron.

This fruit is related to the plum and peach families, with which it has some characteristics when not yet harvested. When the reddish brown skin is removed, it reveals an oblong drupe with a sweet-tasting edible seed or almond and a dazzling white color.

The mature almond fruit splits open lengthwise down the side, exposing the ripe almond nut. Its seeds are predominately sweet but some individual trees produce seeds that are somewhat more bitter.

The fruits from some species are always bitter (typically these species have pink flowers rather than white).