Pomegranate planting tips – Knowing how to plant pomegranate to get the best results.

Pomegranate planting tips will help you to know how to plant and grow a pomegranate effectively. No one would want a failed plant but however, it is essential to have the basic knowledge you need for growing the plant. This will help one to experience and have good results from the pomegranate plant.

Pomegranate planting tips?

In growing any crop or plant, it is essential to know the things to do and how to do them in terms of growing the plant so as to get the best result. For pomegranate plant, here are some tips that can help you grow and plant a pomegranate.

  • Find a location that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight. For pomegranate, by supplying energy for the process of photosynthesis to take place, the sun aids in the growth of the plant.
  • For growing pomegranate, ensure you use a well drained soil. Sandy loam soil remains the best for growing pomegranate. A soil that allows water to percolate through it reasonably quickly and not pool is said to have good drainage. A well drained soil has the following advantages and some of them are:

Other tips to consider in planting pomegranate includes:

  • A well drained soil guarantees proper soil aeration. Due to their porosity, well-drained soil is lightweight and has tiny air pockets that can hold oxygen. Soil aeration helps plant root to receive enough oxygen which is helpful to the health and development of plant roots.
  • A well drained soil helps to prevent root diseases such as root rot. A poorly drained or compacted soil restricts the flow of oxygen and it  also leads to water logging in the soil. When water is left in soil for a lengthy amount of time, it begins to draw various bacterial and fungal infections, which finally causes the roots to rot. The primary cause of root rot disease is as a result of a waterlogged soil.
  • Well-drained soil also offers better area for root development. Well-drained soil allows sufficient space for growth of roots in the plant.
  • A well drained helps prevent soil erosion and the loss of nutrients from the soil.
  • Avoid overwatering the plant: Pomegranate plant need about one inch of water a week. Do not make the mistake of over watering your plants. The oxygen supply that roots need to thrive is severely constrained (or even cut altogether) by overwatering. Additionally, too much water can cause root rot and root deterioration. Also, when you overwater your plants, wilted leaves and chlorosis, or yellowing of the foliage, start to occur.

Here are some tips to avoid overwatering:

  1. When it’s raining, try to avoid watering and instead concentrate on moistening the roots and keeping the leaves dry.
  2. Another crucial step in preventing excessive moisture damage to plants is to have sufficient drainage.
  3. Reduce watering your plants when you are planting on a poorly drained soil like the clay soil. Basically, it is essential to know the kind of soil you are planting on.
  4. If you are growing pomegranate indoors, ensure to take plants outside to get enough sunlight.

 When is the best time to plant a pomegranate?

Pomegranate trees should be planted in the spring season. For pomegranate plant, it needs soil or compost, water, light, and warmth. Pomegranate can receive the necessary conditions that they require to start growing in the spring. Examples of plants that are planted in the spring includes:

  • kohlrabi,
  • kale
  •  collards
  • Chinese kale
  •  peas
  •  onions
  •  radishes
  •  spinach
  • lettuce
  •  turnips
  • Cabbage1

Where is the best place to plant a pomegranate tree?

The best place to plant pomegranate tree should meet the following factors and requirements.

  • Soil type:  Pomegranate trees can handle moderately acidic to slightly alkaline soils and do best in a pH range of 5.5 to 7.5. Pomegranates may grow in a variety of soil conditions, including acidic sandy loam, alkaline calcareous soil, and everything in between. Due to drainage concerns, pomegranate trees cannot flourish in heavy clay soils. So a place having a heavy soil shouldn’t necessarily be considered.
  • Climate: It can endure the chilly winters and the scorching, dry summers as long as there are irrigation facilities available. The fruit of the tree needs a hot, dry atmosphere to develop and ripen. However, the best-quality pomegranate fruit are grown in regions with harsh winters and hot, dry summers.
  • Sunlight: Although pomegranate trees may grow in some shade, it is best to place them where there is plenty of sunshine and warmth. For a healthy and robust yield, your tree needs at least six hours of direct sunlight each day.

How to grow a pomegranate from cuttings?

  • An appropriate hardwood cutting must be taken in order to grow pomegranate trees from cuttings. Pomegranate tree cuttings are made in the late winter.
  • Each cutting should have a diameter of between 14 and 12 inches (6 mm and 1 cm), be around 10 inches long (25 cm), and be made of wood that is at least a year old.
  • After being cut, the cut end of each pomegranate tree should be promptly treated with a commercial growth hormone.
  • Before planting, you can let the roots grow in your greenhouse. You could even plant the cuttings right away in their final resting place.
  • Choose a location with loamy soil and lots of sunlight if you decide to transplant the cuttings outside.

Examples of other plants that you can grow from cuttings include:

  • raspberry
  •  blackberry
  •  rose
  • trumpet vine
  •  phlox
  •  crabapple
  •  fig
  •  lilac
  • sumac2

How do you plant a pomegranate tree?

Here are the steps on how to plant a pomegranate tree:

  • Choose a pomegranate plant variety that is appropriate or suitable.
  • The soil surrounding the tree should be loose to allow the tree and its roots to grow naturally.
  • Select a slightly acidic soil that is well drained. Sandy loam is the ideal soil type for pomegranate cultivation. They can also flourish in various kinds of soil.
  • Select a species that is suitable for your region (some thrive in chilly regions), and choose dwarf varieties for containers.
  • Plant your trees after digging up the ground. Leave at least 15-20 feet between each tree you plan to plant, especially if you expect to pick the fruit. Pomegranates prefer warmth and sunlight for growth.

Pomegranate seed planting

In order to plant pomegranate seeds, here is the way to go about it:

  • The seeds can be dispersed outdoors, gently pushed into the soil, or covered with a thin layer of additional dirt.
  • Only the strongest seedlings should remain in the ground so you can later pull the weaker plants. Many seeds can be sowed in each container when the seeds are preserved in potting soil.
  •  You can cut off a portion of the seedlings as they grow in order to save only the healthiest ones. If you use indoor pots, be sure to place them where they will receive the most sunlight because it is crucial for their development.

Also, to grow pomegranate seed, you can try this too:

  • Select a soil that naturally drains well. Pomegranates don’t need a lot of certain types of soil. Any kind will work, but it must drain effectively. Replace any clay-based or poorly drained soil with a looser topsoil if you have it.
  • Pomegranates thrive in soil that is just above the 7 pH level and fairly alkaline. They will, nonetheless, withstand neutral to mildly acidic soils (pH 5.5-7).
  • Till and clear the soil: Clear the area of any weeds, huge rocks, or other objects and to loosen the soil so that the plants may grow more easily.
  • Your seed should be placed in potting soil or pots.

Pomegranate planting season

In sub-tropical and tropical locations, planting typically takes place in the spring (February–March).

Pomegranate planting distance

Pomegranates should be placed 15 feet apart. Pomegranates can reach heights and widths of 10 to 15 feet when grown as bushes. Plants can be pruned to 10 to 12 feet tall and wide or less, or trained to a single trunk and developed to 20 feet in height as a small tree3.  Pomegranate plants require a lot of room and distance between them, and there are several reasons why you should do so:

  • The pomegranate plants require nutrients in order to grow. We are all aware that these nutrients originate from the sun, the soil, and any fertilizers and amendments that we may add to the soil at various periods during the year. The same occurrence affects plants both above and below ground. Pomegranate trees that are planted too closely together run the risk of competing with other plants for sunlight, and their soil won’t contain as many nutrients as those that do.
  • Higher yields are the result of proper plant spacing. You’ll actually obtain more products from your pomegranate with less plants, which will save you time, energy, and money.

Some plants require small spacing or planting distance and examples of them are:

  • Carrot
  • Chard
  • Cucumber
  • Eggplant
  • Garlic
  • lemon tree4