Sycamore Trees and Wildlife. Are They Safe for Horses?

Sycamore trees are a common sight in the eastern United States. They are among the most common species of trees in North America. They can grow huge, with some reaching up to 100 feet tall.

We will talk about animals that benefit from the tree and how safe they are for some animals. So keep reading.


Are Sycamore Trees Good for Wildlife?

Sycamores are beneficial for wildlife because they provide food and shelter for many species, including rabbits, deer, squirrels, songbirds, woodpeckers, and others (animals).

They also provide shelter from predators and protection from the elements. Sycamores are no exception to this rule. Many birds use sycamore trees as nesting sites; some birds even use the seeds of this tree as food sources for their young.

What Animal Eats Sycamore Trees?

There are many different types of animals that feed on Sycamore trees.

Some of these animals include:

  • Elk
  • Black bears
  • Deer
  • Squirrels
  • Rabbits
  • Birds


So, squirrels love acorns and other nuts, but they also have a taste for sycamores during certain seasons. Squirrels will eat so many of these nuts that they can cause damage to your tree by stripping it of its bark and eventually killing it if left unchecked.


The sycamore seeds are a favorite food source for many bird species, including woodpeckers and bluebirds. These birds will often nest in large groups on top of large branches where they build nests out of twigs and leaves before laying eggs inside them once they hatch out into baby birds that grow up fast. 1

Do Woodpeckers Like Sycamore Trees?

The answer is yes. As it turns out, woodpeckers love sycamores. Sycamores have a lot of sap, which means there is food for these birds. Over half of all birds will visit a sycamore tree during their lives, even if it is once.

Woodpeckers have strong beaks that they use to drill into trees to make holes for their nests. They also use them to chip away at bark and eat insects that live inside the wood.

There are some beautiful species in the woodpecker family. Woodpeckers range in size from enormous to little. Others have long tails, and others are short. Also, some even have crests on top of their heads.

Most people are familiar with the pileated woodpecker. It is one of the largest species in North America. The pileated woodpecker gets its name from its long crest, which sticks up like a mohawk on its head’s back. It also has a black-and-white striped back and a red patch on its tail feathers.

What Animals Live in Sycamore Trees?

There are many animals, but only a few can live in Sycamore trees. If you live near one, you may have seen them.

Some animals that live in sycamore trees include:

  • Squirrels
  • Woodpeckers
  • Deer mice
  • Raccoons
  • Snakes


They love to climb and jump from branch to branch. They also like to hide their food. These animals are fast runners. They can run up to 15 miles per hour. They eat nuts, acorns, and other plants that grow on trees. Sometimes they eat insects like caterpillars and grasshoppers too.

The squirrel’s tail helps it balance when it jumps from tree branch to tree branch. It also helps it find food when it scurries along the ground looking for seeds or nuts lying on the ground below them.

Do Horses Eat Sycamore Trees?

Sycamore trees are eaten by horses, although it’s probably not a good idea.

Horses will consume a wide variety of plants. But they rarely eat tree leaves or bark. Some horses can get trained to eat tree leaves, but the twigs and branches that commonly accompany them might cause choking.

Horses that can graze freely in pastures eat grasses, legumes, and herbs. Although horses will eat small amounts of grain and hay, these foods do not make up a large portion of their diet.

Are Sycamore Leaves Poisonous to Horses?

There are some concerns about feeding sycamore leaves to horses. The leaves contain an alkaloid called tannin that can cause digestive upset or even colic in horses if they eat enough of it. The leaves also have high levels of starch that could cause problems with an already sensitive digestive tract. If you choose to feed your horse sycamore leaves, start with a modest amount and monitor any stomach concerns before increasing the amount.

The other main concern with feeding sycamore leaves to horses is that they are low in nutritional value like other hay or grasses that horses usually consume regularly. It means that if you want to feed your horse sycamores for any reason, you should supplement their diet with other types of food. It will help them receive enough nutrients.

Find out if the sycamore woods are poisonous.

Are Sycamore Trees Safe for Horses?

The leaves of sycamores contain tannins that can be toxic to horses if they consume a large quantity. If you feed your horse hay with sycamore leaves or bark, it may cause symptoms like:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloody stools
  • Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining)

If you want to avoid these problems, it’s best to remove any tree branches with sycamore leaves before they fall off naturally in the fall.

Are Sycamore Trees Good for Deer?

Sycamore trees are an excellent food for deer because they contain nutrients and fiber.

Deers are herbivores, meaning that they eat only plants. Their diet consists of grasses and other vegetation. However, if there is no other food source available, they will resort to eating tree bark or leaves.

Deer Problems with Sycamore Trees

Deer love eating sycamore leaves, but they also love eating the bark off of them too. It can cause some damage to your tree if left unchecked for too long.

Do Birds Like Sycamore Trees?

Birds like the sycamore trees. They love the large, heart-shaped leaves and the sweet, nutritious seeds that grow on them. Sycamore trees provide a habitat for many different birds, including robins, flickers, and blue jays.

Sycamores get to produce up to 100 pounds of seeds per year. The seeds of these trees get eaten by birds. If you want to attract more birds to your yard, planting a sycamore tree might help.

Learn about pomegranate seeds and how to store them.

Citations Used in this Article

  1. Sycamores Get No Respect – Eat The Weeds and other things, too (