Which Sycamore Tree should I Buy? Are they all the Same?

The sycamore tree is a common sight in the backyard landscape. They are easy to grow, and their large leaves provide plenty of shade for your home. If you’re thinking about adding a sycamore tree to your yard, here are some things you should know before making a purchase.


Which Sycamore Tree should I Buy?

There are several different species of sycamores, and each has its unique characteristics and growth habits. There are also varieties within each species, and these will vary slightly in their appearance and hardiness.

Below are some sycamores you could consider:

The American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis)

Native to North America. It has dark blue-green leaves with a white underside and grows 100 feet tall. This type is also known as buttonwood or American plane tree.

London Plane (Platanus x acerifolia)

This variety is native to Europe and Asia but came into America during colonial times. The tree got used extensively for shade and timber production since then. It grows to 90 feet tall with dark blue-green leaves with white undersides that turn yellow in autumn before dropping in winter. The wood from this variety can help with furniture and building construction purposes.

Hybrid Sycamores

These trees got created by crossing European and American varieties together. The aim was to get more desirable traits from both parents, such as disease resistance or better growth characteristics in some regions or climates.

Are all Sycamore Trees the Same?

Some people believe that all sycamores are the same, but there are many different species of sycamore trees in the world. While they may look similar at first glance, these varieties have distinct features that make each unique.

What is the Most Common Variety of Sycamore?

The most common is the American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis). But, other types of sycamore trees grow in different parts of the world. 1

The American sycamore can reach heights of up to 90 feet tall and has a trunk diameter that can reach six feet or more. It produces flowers in early spring, which appear as green cones. The leaves of this tree turn yellow in fall and drop from the branches before they have time to become brown or fall.

The bark on this tree is grayish brown and scaly-looking, but it doesn’t peel off like other trees such as birch or cedar do when damaged by insects or disease.

Sycamores grow best in full sun locations with plenty of water available to soak up during dry spells. They like plenty of room for their roots to grow deep into the soil, which helps them survive droughts better than many other trees.

Should I Buy a Tender Sycamore Tree?

When you decide to buy a tender sycamore tree, make sure you have a large enough pot and keep it watered regularly. If your tree grows fast, you may need to repot it every year or two to give it more room.

If you live where tender sycamores grow naturally, consider planting one in your yard. They’re beautiful trees with lovely purple flowers in spring and fall.

Tender sycamore trees are very popular as ornamental trees for their beautiful leaves, which turn yellow or orange in autumn. They do best in moist soil with plenty of shade and space for their roots to spread out. Because they are so thirsty, they often get planted near water features such as ponds or streams, where they can soak up moisture from the ground.

How Much Does a Sycamore Tree Cost?

The cost of sycamore trees depends on the size of the tree, type of rootstock, and whether it is bare-root or balled-and-burlapped (B&B). Where you purchase the tree and the sycamore type you want to plant also affect the cost. The price may also vary depending on whether or not you want bare-root plants or containerized plants that have gotten planted into a potting medium with roots.

How Much Does a Mature Sycamore Tree Cost?

Mature sycamore trees can be costly, costing roughly $300 on average. However, depending on some factors, this figure might vary significantly.

These factors include:

  • Where you live.
  • The size of the tree.
  • Whether or not it has gotten pruned previously.

A mature sycamore tree will have a trunk diameter between 16 and 24 inches (41 to 61 centimeters) and between 20 and 40 feet (6 and 12 meters). The tree’s leaves are green and oval-shaped, with serrated edges.

A mature sycamore tree can cost anywhere between $450 and $2,100, depending on where you reside and other considerations like whether or not it has gotten pruned previously. A basic example would be a tree that measures 20 feet tall by 10 feet wide with an 8-inch trunk diameter. It would cost approximately $1,000 to $1,500 in most areas across the United States.

Where to Buy Sycamore Trees Online?

You can buy sycamore trees online from a wide range of retailers. Many online stores sell sycamore trees, including Amazon, eBay, and other platforms. They are also available at local nurseries.

Should I Buy a Sycamore Seed or a Tree for Planting?

When you buy a full-size sycamore tree, it will be ready for planting immediately. Start by digging a hole in your yard and place the root ball into the ground. After this, ensure you water it occasionally until it becomes established in its new home.

If you are looking for an alternative method of planting, then buying sycamore seeds may be your best option. They grow much faster than full-size trees and require less maintenance once planted outdoors.

What is the Value of a Sycamore Tree?

The value of a sycamore tree depends on several factors:

  • Its size and location.
  • How often it has gotten trimmed regularly or allowed to grow freely.
  • Its treatment with chemicals such as insecticides or fertilizers?
  • The presence of defects like dead branches that need attention before they fall during high winds or storms (called storm damage)?
  • Its overall health.

Citations Used in this Article

  1. Sycamore Trees: Leaves, Bark, Types – Identification Guide (Pictures) (leafyplace.com)