How To Germinate Almond Seeds At Home. What You Should And Shouldn’t Do.

Almond seeds would require specific steps and care to germinate properly. These steps would involve using the right type of fertilizer, soil, making sure the seed gets enough water and so much more.

Let’s discuss how to grow your Almond seed.

A palm with almond seeds

What Do Almond Seeds Look Like?

Almond seeds are almost flat, honey brown oval seeds.

Is An Almond A Seed Or Nut?

An almond is a seed not a nut. It is a seed enclosed in a hard hull covering. A nut is a dry hard shelled fruit buy Almonds have a fleshy outer layer, this is why they are actually drupes not nuts.

Nevertheless, you are still permitted to refer to Almonds as nuts. It’s still referred to as a tree nut, because the term ‘nut’ is quite broad and isn’t limited to fruits that fit it’s category.

What Is The Function Of Almond Seed?

One of major functions of the Almond seed is it’s health function. Research shows that this seed reduces fat levels in the blood, this in turn improves the heart’s health.

Almond seeds also give the body tocopherol, an antioxidant from Vitamin E. Antioxidants are known to reduce oxidative damage in one’s system and even reduce the chances of developing cancer.

Improved vitamin E intake can also decrease the likeliness of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Almonds also play a role in improving blood sugar levels and helping people with type 2 diabetes. Patients who have trouble balancing their blood sugar levels usually have a magnesium deficiency. This is where Almonds come in. They are rich in Magnesium and a daily intake can help balance blood sugar levels or at least improve them. 1

How To Germinate Almond Seeds At Home?

Find The Right Climate/Weather

Your Almond will thrive if it’s planted in areas with similar climates to the Mediterranean, Middle East and South Asia. That is to say your climate or weather should consist of a hot summer and mild winter.

If you plan on planting in the U.S, your best bet for suitable Almond growing climate is California, some parts of Arizona, Texas, and inland Florida.

Pick Yours Seeds

If you plan on growing edible almonds, ensure you pick seeds for a fruit-bearing sweet almond tree. Also note that your almond will not grow into a tree if it’s not fresh, unshelled, unpasteurised and unroasted.

It is important you know that bitter almonds are not always edible and not all sweet almond varieties bear fruit some varieties are for aesthetics and decoration. Speak to workers at the store you purchased your almonds from for more information on Almond varieties.

Choose A Very Sunny Location

Almond trees love the sun, so pick a great sun-filled location to plant your trees. Although, initially you will plant your tree in a pot but with time you must transplant. Also ensure that the soil you plant with is well draining to prevent rot and other issues with your tree.

Germinate Your Almond Seeds

First germinate your seeds in a controlled environment. You can do this by soaking about 20 seeds in water overnight, then crack slightly them with a nut cracker. Next plant them one to two inches inside a pot with soil and draining holes.

Place the pot in a spot with direct sunlight and wait for the Almonds to sprout.

Transplant Your Almond

Once your almonds have sprouted, it’s time to move them to their permanent location. Make a mound in the sun filled area you chose previously that is an inch or two tall.

Push your sprout an inch or two into the mound. The best time to transplant is during Spring or the end of winter. If you are planting multiple Almonds, give a 20 feet gap between each of them. 2

Can You Plant Almond Seeds?

Yes, you can plant almond seeds. Most farmers like to propagate via grafting probably because it requires less work but you can still grown almonds from seeds. Here’s how to grow Almond seeds.

Can You Grow Almond Tree From Seed?

Yes, growing an Almond tree from seed is absolutely possible and farmers do it nationwide. Although, growing an Almond tree from a seed requires more care and work, it’s still done by several farmers.

How Do You Check If Almond Seeds Are Good?

Due to the high demand for Almonds, adulterated versions of Almonds are being produced. This is very bad because adulterated Almonds are quite dangerous to the system. Here are ways or tests to help spot an adulterated Almond.

The Rubbing Test

Adulterated almonds are always polished or painted a red-ochre colour. This is done to hide the broken ends and make the nut appear more attractive. So when you buy almonds, take one and rub it between your palms. If the colour of your palms changes to match the nut, it’s adulterated.

The Shaking Test

Almonds contain oil, so when pressed against a tissue or cloth they leave oil residue or trace. However, certain Almonds are kept near water so they can remain fresh or at least seem fresh even after a long period of time. So once these Almonds are pressed they produce more oil like reduce than normal. So to confirm if Almonds are adulteration, put about 10 almond nuts in a steel container and shake.

If the Almonds sound hard like stones hitting a surface they aren’t adulterated. However, if the Almonds sound muffled or low, chances are they are adulterated. 3

What Happens If You Plant An Almond Seed?

If you plant an Almond seed that isn’t fresh, unpasteurised and unroasted it will not grow into a tree. Even if you plant an almond seed that meets the above criteria, without proper care the almond will still not grow.

Planting an Almond at the wrong time, in the wrong soil, and wrong climate will also prevent it from germinating.

What Happens If You Plant An Almond Seed In The Ground?

Just planting an Almond seed in the ground will not guarantee growth. Rules, requirements and conditions have to be met.

Experts advice that you initially plant your almond seed in a pot and later on transplant. You should also expose your plant to enough sunlight and water them properly in a soil with good drainage.

What Time Of The Year Do Almond Seeds Grow?

Almond seeds grow at different times of the year but they are harvested during August, September and October. Almonds also take a certain amount of time to grow.

Citations Used In This Article

  1. The health benefits of almonds (
  2. How to grow Almonds (
  3. Beware, 3 Steps Can Help You Check Adulteration In Almonds, Follow Steps For Food Safety (