Pomegranate Facts –   Getting To Know Interesting Fact About Pomegranate.

As a plant, there is an interesting fact about Pomegranate. It is essential to know or have information relating to any plant you find interest in. This will make you more knowledgeable thereby helping you to know how to manage or maintain any plant effectively.


Is  Pomegranate Herb or Shrub?

Pomegranate or Punica granatum is a fruit-bearing shrub that is a member of the Lythraceae family having Punicoideae as its subfamily. Pomegranate shrubs can be large and evergreen(especially in a warmer climate). The shrubs of the pomegranate display the beauty of the plant. The shrubs of a pomegranate are deciduous. A typical pomegranate bush is 12 to 16 feet tall and has a rounded appearance.

The shrub has some major characteristics and facts about them which includes:

  • Absence of a trunk: They have several stems instead of a clearly defined trunk because they branch close to the ground.
  • Shrubs are typically plants with broad leaves.
  • Hardy plants: They thrive in a variety of soil types.
  • Since they typically grow in a sunny climate, shrubs are seasonal.
  • They are also more compact than trees.
  • the purposes of shrubs
  • A significant part in preventing soil and water erosion is played by shrubs.
  • They provide fruits, leaves, tuber shoots, roots, and other edibles.
  • The landscapes also make use of shrubs.
  • They can be grown as backdrops, garden beds, and in our gardens.1

Also, the plant shrub has some major advantages which are:

  • Shrubs tend to be more beautiful and offer a diversity of interest, they are used as decorative elements in gardens.
  • They help to prevent erosion.
  • They serve as a source of air for the environment.

Is pomegranate a creeper plant?

Pomegranate is a shrub or small tree by habit. It is neither a creeper nor a climber. Pomegranate cannot be categorized as a creeper plant because some of its characteristics do not entirely match the characteristics of a creeper plant.  A creeper plant has the following characteristics:

  • They have long, thin, and weak stems that creep down the soil.
  • They look out for support from spreading branches and other plants
  • Because they are weak and unable to hold their weight, stems cannot stand upright.
  • It needs outside help to carry its weight and rise upwards. It accomplishes this with the aid of tendrils, and unique structures.
  • Examples include: Sweet gourd, bitter gourd, grapevine, passion flower, glory lily, watermelon, pumpkin, strawberry, bignonia, cucumber

Looking at a pomegranate, possess a reasonably strong stem, it can hold its weight and can stand upright. So definitely, pomegranate is not a creeper plant.

What Type Of Leaf Is Pomegranate?

Pomegranate is heterophyllous, which means thereis the presence of leaves that have different shapes on the same plant. However, the majority of leaves on a pomegranate are mostly small in size. Examples of plants that are heterophyllous include:

  • cotton
  • larkspur
  • buttercup

Heterophyll also occurs in aquatic plants like:

  • arrowhead
  • water crowfoot
  • water starwort

Pomegranate leaves are highly important and they provide medicinal value to humans such as:

  • Manage cough and cold
  • Treats eczema. 
  • Treats stomach pain and diarrhea
  • Builds immunity.2

Can you plant a pomegranate close to the house?

Yes, planting pomegranates close to the house is possible and achievable, however, it is better to give a reasonable space between the plant and the house. A distance of at least 4 meters should be established. Pomegranates are friendly trees and are very good for the environment also. Pomegranate trees are also noninvasive and they don’t grow so large, so planting them close to the house wouldn’t cause more damage.

Some of the benefits of planting pomegranates close to the house include:

  • Ease of access to your plant
  • Ease of maintenance
  • Homegrown pomegranate(especially planted in pots and containers) tends to be sweeter based on the fact that the plants can be transported to a place of better sunlight at any point In time.

However, to grow pomegranate at home, there are certain guidelines one need to follow:

  • Ensure you have good soil for planting, though pomegranates can grow almost on any soil, sandy loamy is still the best for growing pomegranates.
  • Water newly-planted trees more often.
  • Get fertilizer for your pomegranate and be careful in spraying them on the trees, so you don’t contaminate your environment.
  • Give spaces between your plants especially if you are planting more than one plant.
  • Pruning pomegranate trees is not necessary. However, if desired, you can prune pomegranates to reshape their size and remove crossing branches.

Do pomegranate trees spread?

The pomegranate grows to a height of 12-20 feet3. and a spread of  6-8 feet at maturity.  Pomegranate trees can withstand droughts and require little water to develop.  Examples of tress that are similar to pomegranates are:

  • Passion fruit
  • guava.

Does the pomegranate tree need full sun?

Yes, they need full sun. Pomegranates need or require six hours of sunlight for proper growth and development of the tree. Pomegranate shrubs can be grown in part shade but ideally should be placed somewhere with as much sun and warmth as possible 4. Whether growing plants outside or indoors, sunlight is crucial because it is required for photosynthesis, the process through which light, oxygen, and water are transformed into energy. Without this energy, plants cannot develop or bloom. Therefore, inadequate lighting will severely restrict plant growth or possibly cause plants to perish. In contrast, there is such a thing as too much sunlight for plants. Most fruits require sunlight for growth and development. Pomegranates are photo autotrophs in nature. Sunlight has many benefits for plants and some of the importance of sunlight to pomegranate plants are:

  • Sunlight energy is essential for plants to manufacture the nutrients they require.
  • It aids photosynthesis.
  • Sunlight ensures the proper growth and development of plants.

Examples of other plants that require full sun for growth and development:

  • yarrow.
  • Shasta daisy.
  • coreopsis.
  • purple coneflower.
  • blanket flower.
  • Russian sage.
  • butterfly weed.
  • lavender 5.
  • Angelonia
  • Fan Flower
  • Cosmos
  • peony
  • Lantana
  • Viona
  • Foxglove and many others.

Does the pomegranate tree have thorns?

Yes, they do have thorns. Thorns are a modified axillary shoot system with decreased leaves that die soon and severely sclerotized stems that grow for a finite amount of time (determinate growth). The plant’s thorns seem to defend it against herbivores. Pomegranate trees have prickly branches. This is beneficial to the species’ existence because it aids in protection. Many animals like eating the tree’s fruit and leaves. The presence of thorns on the branches reduces the likelihood of small animals reaching the branches’ ends. As a result, they are unable to meddle with the fruit before it has matured. The thorns help keep the leaves from being devoured. Consumption of the leaves reduces the tree’s ability to photosynthesize and thrive.6

Other examples of three with thorns are:

  • raspberry bushes
  • Locust
  • Natal Plum
  • prickly poppy
  • Pyracantha
  • Bougainvillea
  • Brambles.
  • Thorny Rose Shrub
  • Silverthorn
  • Thorny rose shrub

The general and foundational function of thorns is to help to protect the plant against herbivores. Thorns can be taken care of and the following are ways you can do that:

  • Maintain a temperate climate. Crown of thorns plants thrive indoors at temperatures ranging from 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, but they may withstand higher or lower extremes.
  • 2. Provide adequate sunlight. Crowns of thorns should be exposed to direct sunlight for three to four hours per day. Keep your plants in a bright window where they will get plenty of direct sunlight.
  • 3. Do not overwater. Water your crown of thorns only after the top inch of soil has dried, and make sure no water is pooling near the roots. In the winter, wait until the top three inches of soil have dried before watering.
  • 4. Fertilize the soil.7

does the pomegranate tree lose its leaves?

Yes, pomegranate does lose its leaves. If the leaves of your pomegranate tree are falling off, it could be due to natural, non-harmful factors such as deciduous annual leaf drops. However, there could be other causes that could be as an attack on your tree. It could also be a result of prolonged water restriction and this can lead to entire plant death. Cold weather can also cause the Pomegranate tree to lose its blossoms, thus it is best to protect the tree if a cold season is coming close or is in sight. Another reason why pomegranate may lose its leaves is the overwatering of the plant and this can make it turn yellow.

can the pomegranate tree survive winter?

Yes, they can survive in winter, but one needs to be very intentional about the plant and find ways to take care of the plant. Below are insights on how you can take care of your plant during winter.

  • The first stage in pomegranate winter care is to cut the tree back by roughly half in the fall, about six weeks before the first frost. Cut directly above a set of leaves with sharp shears. Then, bring the pomegranate indoors and place it near a sunny, southern-facing window. Even in the winter, the pomegranate requires at least eight hours of direct sunlight per day or it will become lanky and drop its leaves.
  •  Place the tree in a partially shaded place to acclimatize it and prevent it from going into shock. Over the next two weeks, progressively expose the tree to direct sunshine.8
  • You can also prevent your tree from the winter cold by placing the tree in a partially shaded place to acclimatize it and prevent it from going into shock. Over the next two weeks, progressively expose the tree to direct sunshine.

The general effect of winter on plants include:

  • Water can freeze inside the plant’s cells, expanding and destroying the plant from within.
  • Plant enzyme activity can be reduced by cold weather, this is because plants emit enzymes to break down surrounding elements for soil, which disturbs plant nutrition uptake.
  • They also lead to the fall of plant leaves.

Can the pomegranate tree grow in shade?

Yes, they can. However, this is not ideal for the plant. They prefer as much light and warmth as possible. Your tree should receive at least six hours of full light per day for a rich crop. Pomegranates are autotrophic and they need enough sunshine if you want the best result. Pomegranate growth is highly dependent on the amount of sunshine it is exposed to and growing it in shade will not give a healthy plant.

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