How to store pomegranate seeds?  Discovering different ways to store pomegranate.

Pomegranate is a seed-producing plant. Knowing how to store pomegranate seeds is required to grow healthy pomegranates. From the time the seeds are harvested until they are planted, seed storage is meant to keep the seeds in good physical and physiological condition, shield seeds from pests, illnesses, and insects, and also ensure that seeds can be used for further crop production after germination.

Is it OK to freeze pomegranate seeds?

It is okay to freeze pomegranate seeds. Pomegranate seeds are known as arils. Only the texture of pomegranate seeds is altered by freezing. One of the major reasons why people freeze pomegranate seeds is that pomegranate seeds can be used to make wonderful treats. Some of those treats include:

  • Frozen Pomegranate sorbet: This is one of the more enjoyable ways to use frozen pomegranate seeds. This delightful alternative to dairy ice cream will impress your tasters with its sweet and tangy flavor. In making pomegranate sorbet1 sugar, water, and the juice from those pomegranate seeds are all you require.
  • Frozen Pomegranate Seed Cocktails.
  • Frozen Pomegranate Seed Smoothie: You’ll need these ingredients for your pomegranate smoothie: Seeds from pomegranates. Also, you can utilize the fruit whole or just the seeds and pineapple-frozen Ice Yogurt.
  • Frozen Pomegranate Seed Yogurt Bites: Some of the ingredients you will need are: reek Yogurt, a cup of powdered sugar, and pomegranate seeds2.
  • Frozen Pomegranate Seed Souffles: some of the ingredients you will need are:
  • granulated sugar
  • pure pomegranate juice
  • Large egg yolks
  • fine sea salt
  •   heavy cream
  •  vanilla extract
  •  large egg whites
  • Powdered sugar3.

Pomegranate seed can last for about ten to twelve months when kept frozen although this can also extend.

 How to store pomegranate seeds in the fridge?

  • Pick pomegranates that are firm and weighty, with a consistent crimson color.
  • Before placing the pomegranates in tightly sealed containers, wash them first and clean them until they dry
  • Cut the pomegranate open (preferably into two halves). This will help us have access to the seed of the pomegranate.
  • Use a wooden spoon and gently but firmly hit the fruit’s top, arils(seeds) will start to easily come off the fruit.
  • Gather the seeds together and spread the seeds on wax paper and freeze it for some time.
  • Get an airtight container and put your arils. Then take It into the freezer.

Let us take another look at how we can freeze pomegranate seeds:

  • Taking the fruit’s seeds out:  Ensure that the pomegranate seeds you are using are very dry. The seeds don’t require any additional water on top of them.
  • Spread your pomegranate on a tray and put it into your freezer. This is known as pre freezing stage.
  • After the pomegranate has frozen individually, you can now transfer them to a permanent container for proper storage in the freezer.

How long can pomegranate seeds last in the freezer?

They can last for up to two to three months for the best results when kept in the freezer. However, if the refrigeration or freezing requirement is meant, they can last even up to a year. Although it is better they are consumed early to maintain the richness of the seed. Just like some other seeds, pomegranate seeds can spoil. Pomegranate seeds should not be consumed if they have begun to rot since they will turn brown and mushy.  Also when pomegranate seeds are bad, the seeds will sink in water while the white pulp floats on the water. Another way to detect a pomegranate seed has gone bad is that the seed may taste and smell like alcohol.

Here are some tips on how to take care of your pomegranate in the freezer:

  • Ensure seeds are stored in an airtight container or bag.
  • Do not press the seed bag with other items in the freezer.
  • Ensure that the seed bag doesn’t experience any form of tear or leakage.

How do you store pomegranate seeds without freezing them?

Without freezing pomegranates, they can be stored by simply keeping your whole pomegranate fruit in a cool, dry place. This works well if you intend to eat it within the following several days. Your pomegranates may spoil sooner if the storage environment is too warm and sunny.  Pomegranate seed can last one to weeks under normal room temperature. However, the best place that meets all the requirements in storing a pomegranate seed is the fridge. When you intend to have pomegranates for a long time, the freezer is the best option you can ever go for.

Can you store pomegranate seeds in water?

No, pomegranate seeds cannot be stored in water. They require a cool and dry place for proper storage. However, pomegranate can be put in water as one of the stages required for the preparation of the seed for freezing. It can be difficult and messy to separate the pomegranate arils (seeds) from the inside membrane of the fruit when you want to store it in the freezer. However, soaking in water is very much needed. This is done by placing the pomegranate quarters in a medium bowl with water to prevent pomegranate juice from spraying all over you and your countertops. The seeds can be gently separated using your hands.

Because the membrane floats to the top while the seeds sink to the bottom, soaking the pomegranates in water will assist separate the seeds from the membrane4. Pomegranate seed will drown if it is submerged in water for too long. Most seeds should only be soaked for 12 to 24 hours, and not for longer than 48. The seeds of some species of plants can survive longer soakings. Any plant that has fleshy, thick tissues that can store water is considered succulent. Some succulents, like cacti, only store water in the stem and have no or few leaves, but other succulents, like agaves, primarily store water in the leaves5.

How to store pomegranate seeds in water?

Water isn’t an ideal medium to store pomegranate plants. Water actually should be used to wash the seeds of the pomegranate. Soaking the pomegranates in water will help separate the seeds from the membrane since the membrane floats to the top while the seeds sink to the bottom of the container.

What is the best way to store pomegranate seeds?

The best way to store pomegranates is by freezing them. Pomegranates require a cool and dry place for proper storage.  When storing pomegranate in a freezer, consider utilizing a vacuum sealer if you want to guarantee that your pomegranate seeds are preserved in the best possible ways. These devices are quite helpful since they will remove all of the air from freezer bags or containers. Examples of seeds stored in the freezer are:

  • Soybean
  • Ryegrass
  • Pearl millet
  • Alfalfa
  • Radish

When pomegranate seeds are at their peak of freshness, they have an exceptionally vibrant and juicy flavor; freezing them helps maintain this flavor. Freezing seeds will provide them with more stable temperatures. In storing seeds in the freezer, maintaining constant cold temperatures, and storing dry seeds in an airtight container are essential. Before freezing, seeds should be completely dried because moisture-filled seeds may break or split during the freezing process. The dry seeds should then be put in an airtight container to stop them from absorbing moisture and becoming damaged by it. Using an airtight container and maintaining constant cold temperatures are the keys to successfully storing seeds.

how do you store pomegranate seeds for a long time?

You store pomegranates for a long time by putting them and leaving them in a freezer. When put into a freezer, pomegranate can last up to a year. Pomegranate seeds however produce the best result in the first two to three months of freezing. Seeds in general require good storage. Some of the ways you can store seeds are

  • glass jars: The secret of seed storage is by putting your well dried seeds in airtight jars. Because the air here is far too humid, seeds should never be left exposed to the air. However, seeds kept in jars will remain dry.
  •  Paper envelopes: They are used for storing and collecting seeds. They usually come with a seal to ensure that air doesn’t get to the seed.
  • Seed packets
  • Mason jars: They are one of the ways you can store seeds by keeping them cool and dry. A cool environment  is important because it keeps the inside of the seed sleepy and a dry environment or medium is important because it keeps the outside of the seed tough and strong and able to protect itself. Mason jars is one of the medium you can store seed for a long period of time.
  •  Ziplock bags
  •  freezer bags and other plastic containers are also ways you can store seeds.

 When can you plant pomegranate?

Spring season is the best time to plant pomegranate. Spring is the transitional period between winter and summer during which the temperature rises and plant growth resumes. In sub-tropical and tropical locations, planting typically takes place in the spring (February–March) and summer (July–August), respectively. Some examples of plants that you can plant in spring season include:

  • Honey dew
  • Tomato
  • Beans
  • Beets
  • Cucumber
  • Cabbage
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Raspberry
  • Brocoli

Why do you plant pomegranate in spring?

So you might be wondering, why do need to plant pomegranate in spring. Here are is one of the major reason – For a plant to grow, it needs soil or compost, water, light, and warmth. They receive the conditions they require to start growing in the spring.

The rainy weather provides them with the water they require. Since there is more daylight and warmth from the sun throughout the longer days, the temperature of the soil and the air rises. In a pomegranate plant, the appearance of leaves is during the spring season. Trees start to sprout leaves in the spring. They emerge from buds after spending the entire winter dormant. The bud rupture is initiated by sunlight. The days lengthen and the sun shines more and more in the spring. Trees progressively increase in height and width as the spring and summer progress and they flourish with full leaves and good weather.

Spring season, though might seem totally good for plants, yet it has its own disadvantages which includes:

  • While spring is favorable for development, excessive branch growth will cause your tree’s shape to change.
  • As a result of the weather, spring might bring about the birth of a large number of insect pests that can harm your garden. For this reason, you must also take precautions and implement a prevention scheme for any insect pests that can harm your garden. Spring is a good season for a plant like the pomegranate and the effects of spring majorly on the pomegranate is of much good.

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