What are Pomegranate roots arils? Knowing how to consume pomegranate root arils.

 One of the questions people tend to ask is “what are pomegranate roots arils”? An aril is a specialized seed outgrowth that covers the seed in a whole or partially. Pomegranate arils are dried red pomegranate seeds having sweet-and-sour flavor. Pomegranate aril is an edible part of the pomegranate plant.

How are Pomegranate trees grown?

Pomegranate trees are grown in almost any kind of soil but the best for them remains the sandy loam soil.  Pomegranate trees can be grown either outdoors or indoors. Before planting a pomegranate tree, it is essential to know the requirements a pomegranate tree will need for growth and development.

Soil requirement for pomegranate:

  • Soil requirement: Pomegranate plants can grow on almost any form or kind of soil. They are not so choosy in terms of soil requirement. However to grow a pomegranate, it is essential that this should be done on a sandy loam soil and soil having a PH level of 5.5 -7 (acidic soil). Pomegranate soil should be well drained. The soil plays a major role in the development of plants. A good soil ensures:
  •  Strong soils help farmers grow more crops and shield plants from environmental stress.
  •  Soil bacteria were the source of practically all antibiotics used in human medicine to treat infections.
  • The property is shielded from erosion by healthy soils.
  •  Solid waste is kept in storage in the soil.
  •  Soils aid in controlling the temperature of the Earth.
  •  Strong soils lessen the effects of harsh weather conditions.
  • Sunlight: Pomegranate requires an adequate sunlight of six hours. Sunlight is very essential in growing a pomegranate plant. Sunlight helps to give the soil a good drainage which is essential for the plant
  • Water:  You should water your pomegranate plant once or twice a week. Pomegranates do not need much water for growth and development. Unlike the majority of fruit-bearers, are native to dry, arid climates and don’t actually thrive in high levels of moisture.
  • Fertilizers: By giving the soil the proper balance of nutrients, fertilizers play the role of increasing production and ensuring healthy output. A pomegranate tree needs enough nitrogen for best growth since nitrogen promotes the development of blossoms that will eventually bear fruit and the growth of foliage.

Here are steps on how to grow a pomegranate1:

  • Choose a good variety of pomegranate ( Pomegranate can be grown either by seed or cuttings.
  • Get a pomegranate seed or cutting.
  • Prepare your soil(preferably sandy loam or any soil that drains well )
  • Pick a spot with much sunshine for growing your pomegranate.
  •  Insert your seed into the soil.

Are Pomegranate Roots Invasive to Septic Systems?

Although it is well known that pomegranates have shallow, spreading root systems that are not invasive, if a water or drain line is exposed or broken, pomegranates will, like other shrubs and trees, try to exploit and take advantage of the situation. The pomegranate should not be a concern as long as there are no nearby open or leaky pipes in the septic systems. It is not ideal to plant close to septic systems because plants roots can cause damages to them such as:

  • It hinders the flow of water in septic systems: The roots of trees require water to grow. When they begin to get water from defects in pipes, they can grow and their growth can cause a barrier in water flow in septic tanks.
  • Growing roots will lead to pipes bursting and breaking. 

Aside just pomegranate, any type of planting with extensive roots, especially trees and shrubs, might seriously affect how long your septic system can last.

How to root pomegranate cuttings

Earlier mentioned, pomegranate cuttings is a way or method of growing or propagating pomegranate plants.  To root pomegranate from cuttings, here are some steps:

For an easier method for rooting pomegranate from cuttings, use hardwood cuttings.

Hardwood cuttings don’t need to be misted because they represent growth from the previous year rather than young or soft growth. Take 8-inch cuttings. Plant the cuttings in a bright, well-draining area after bundling them together. The sticks should be buried in a hole that is 3 inches deeper than their length. Dig them up in the spring and put them in the ground, leaving only the top half of each one exposed.

However, adequate sunshine is needed for pomegranate cutting to develop into roots include.

What are Pomegranate roots arils?

The pomegranate’s edible element are the arils, which are tiny pink seeds inside the fruit. Arils can be sweet or sour in taste depending on the kind or type or pomegranate planted. Pomegranate arils are highly nutritional and some of the nutritional benefits includes:

  • Antioxidants are present in arils.
  •  It enhances cardiovascular health and can prevent heart disease because of its anti-inflammatory and antihypertensive effects.
  • Pomegranate arils contain helpful chemicals that may reduce your risk of getting cancer.
  • The pomegranate arils, which is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, can improve your beauty routine and delay aging.
  • Pomegranate arils are rich in fiber which can help the digestive system.
  • The growth, development, and repair of bodily tissues is also a nutritional help value pomegranate arils provide.

How to consume Pomegranate roots arils?

Arils can be eaten directly or put into a drink. In order to consume pomegranate arils, here are some steps you must take:

  • Use a wooden spoon or spatula to separate arils from the fruit. You can also use a knife to do this too.
  • After this has been done, ensure you wash the arils with water, either hot, warm or cold will do.
  • Put your arils into your yoghurt or ice cream
  • They can also be added to smoothie or juice
  • Arils can be consumed raw and fresh after separation from the pomegranate fruit.
  • They can be added to cocktails, wines or mocktails.

Other purposes arils serve in includes:

  • Deserts :
  • Salad
  • Smoothie
  • Fruit juice
  • Cool couscous
  • Pomegranate cheese cake and many others.

How much space do Pomegranate roots need?

Pomegranate roots need about a space range of about 4 meters or 15 feet or more apart for effective growth and development. Spacing is highly essential in growing pomegranate and here are some reasons why you should space your plants:

  • For nutrient intake:  Nutrients are needed by the pomegranate plants. We all know that these nutrients come from the sun, the soil, and any amendments and fertilizers that we apply to the soil at different times of the year. Plants experience the same phenomenon both above and below ground. When pomegranate is planted too close, there is a high that they compete with nearby plants for sunshine and soil nutrients will not be as healthy as those that receive all of the nutrients they require.
  • When plants are ripe for harvest, proper spacing makes them easy to harvest. When your plants are properly spaced, harvesting is significantly simpler and less tasking to do or carry out on your pomegranate.
  • Optimal plant spacing results in higher yields. With fewer plants, you’ll actually get more products from your pomegranate, thereby saving you time, energy, and money.

Basically speaking, when pomegranate s are crowded, they grow badly. Plants that are too widely spaced don’t yield as much overall as those that are placed closer together. The amount of room that plants need to establish their roots might be hampered by overcrowding. As a result, all of the plants may experience developmental issues. It may also reduce the quantity of nutrients that any of the crowded plants may collect from the soil. Additionally, too many plants can block sunlight from reaching others, which stops photosynthesis and effectively starves the plants. Plants use a process called photosynthesis to transform light energy into chemical energy.

Is it safe for Pomegranate cuttings to root in water?

Pomegranate growing can be by cuttings. Your new pomegranate plant will be identical to the parent plant thanks to cuttings. Cuttings are branches that have been removed from a living tree and will take root in water or potting soil. However it is better for cuttings to root from the soil where they can have access to water adequate sunlight.

How to preserve Pomegranate roots?

We can preserve pomegranate roots through the following ways:

  • By watering, however be careful of over watering roots to avoid erosion of washing away of soil nutrients.
  • To stay healthy, roots require oxygen, which they get from the air pockets in the soil.
  • Do not allow insects or pests that affect plant roots to thrive on your plants. Ensure you remain o the look out in fighting pests and insects. Examples of insect that affect plant roots includes: gophers, fungus, root maggot, root weevil, etc.

 Roots are important part s of the plant and when you don’t take out time to ensure their preservation, some part of the plants tend to suffer. Weakness is one of the major problem a damaged root will cause to a plant. The weakened pomegranate may then start to exhibit signs of decline, including a lack of vigor and slower growth.

Pomegranate roots close to house?

Pomegranate roots are friendly and won’t cause much harm when planted close to the house. However, it is better to give a space between your pomegranate plant and your house. The reason why is because, pomegranate, just as any other plant will take advantage of the leakage from drainage or septic systems. Also, pomegranate can be planted in pots and containers close to the house or in the garden. If you still choose to plant pomegranate roots lose to your house, it is essential to have a distance of about 15 to 20 feet you’re your house.

You shouldn’t pomegranate plant too close to a building since plants retain a lot of moisture. In addition to the possibility that they will come into contact with the siding and harm it. Moisture is the biggest problem with planting pomegranate shrubs close to or on your house or other structure. Smaller shrubs have the potential to dramatically develop and become gigantic bushes. Plants that are placed too closely together cover and quickly outgrow dwellings.

Pomegranate however has benefit of planting it close to a house:

  • Air supply: Pomegranate has leave on them that can provide you with enough air outside, thereby promoting or enhancing good ventilation.
  • Easy to access to fruits when they are matured and ready to be harvested.
  • They can beautify the environment. Pomegranate plant has beautiful evergreen leaves that can make your environment look colorful and beautiful.

Well, you have the choice of placing the balance between what you want and what you don’t. So if the benefit outweighs the dangers for you and vice versa.

Citations used in this article include:

  1. http://treesandwoods.com/how-you-can-grow-pomegranate/#how_do_you_grow_a_pomegranate_plant
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gopher