Varieties of pomegranate roots? The classification of pomegranate roots.

The different varieties of pomegranate roots is one interesting aspect of the pomegranate plant root. This gives one different options to choose from as regards cultivating and growing the plant.

Cultivation of pomegranate roots?

Cultivating pomegranate can be done just as every other plant. It also requires necessary things and conditions to be in place to be grown effectively.

Factors to be considered in cultivating pomegranate roots.

Climate condition

Pomegranates thrive in temperatures over 85 degrees F for at least 120 days a year because they are incredibly heat-tolerant. The trees can withstand drought as well, but for commercial fruit production, additional irrigation is essential during tree development. Fruit production will be lost in extended droughts without irrigation, and it’s possible that young trees would sustain significant damage.

Selecting of site

The growing of pomegranates is done best in loamy and deep soils, however growing pomegranate can be done successfully in sandy and clay soils. Trees thrive in a soil pH range of 5.5 to 7.2 and may tolerate mildly acidic to slightly alkaline soils. Pomegranates like well-drained soils, while they may withstand brief periods of standing water. Site selection should take into account sun exposure and air circulation in addition to soil type and drainage. Pomegranates need at least six hours of direct sunlight each day to produce fruit that is of good color.


Even though pomegranates can withstand severe droughts, maintaining proper soil moisture will significantly increase plant vigor and fruit harvest. However, you must avoid over-watering of plants. Overly damp soil in the summer can promote abundant vegetative growth, but the resulting fruit will often be softer and of lower postharvest quality. In the fall, refrain from overwatering plants because this can cause fruit splitting.

Pruning: Pomegranates need to be pruned every year, and unwanted growth and suckers need to be frequently removed.  Pruning must be done annually or semi-annually to lessen the possibility of removing excessive amounts of fruit-bearing (older) wood.

Propagation: Pomegranate can be propagated by a cutting method of propagation and seeds.

A full description of pomegranate roots?

Pomegranate trees can develop that can reach a length of two to three feet, pomegranate trees or shrubs have a rather shallow root system. Also, let us have a look at the description of the pomegranate fruit. The fruit is about the size of a large orange, has an oblique six-sided shape, and is covered in smooth leathery skin that varies in color from brownish yellow to red. Inside, it is divided into several chambers that each contain several thin transparent arils of reddish, juicy pulp that are encircling angular, long, pointed seeds.

Varieties of pomegranate roots?

We will be dividing this variety into two: The best to grow at home and the best to grow in the field. Examples of homegrown pomegranates include:

  • Very sweet
  • Tom’s Red
  • Red silk
  • Purple heart

Varieties of pomegranate roots?

We will be dividing this variety into two: The best to grow at home and the best to grow in the field. Examples of homegrown pomegranates include

  • :
  • Sleeve: The fruit of Sienevyi is enormous, soft-seeded, and sweet, tasting something like a watermelon. The arils are dark purple and the skin is pink. One of the most well-liked varieties of pomegranate trees is this one.
  • Parfianka: Parfianka is a second soft-seeded type with vivid red skin and pink arils. Its flavor is comparable to wine and its flesh is particularly juicy. 
  • Desertnyi:  a soft seeded variety with a light lemony, sweet, tart, and tart flavor.
  • Angel red: Angel Red is a fruit with soft seeds that is exceptionally juicy and has vivid red arils and rind. This variety produces a lot and is excellent for juicing.
  • Ever sweet is a fruit with red skin and clear, stain-resistant arils. Depending on the location, ever sweet may only produce fruit every two years.
  •  Granada fruit has a medium-sized, dark-red skin that is sweet to lightly tart. Francis, a Jamaican native with large, sweet fruit, is frost-sensitive.

Pomegranate has many other varieties but these is just a few.

What is the classification of pomegranate roots?

Pomegranate belongs to the dicotyledonous root family.  They have a shallow and tap root, with openings and with two cotyledons. They are net liked part and arranged in a ring. The root of a pomegranate has sections known as the roots that lacks nodes and internodes and the root of the pomegranate plants may have modified roots for respiration, food storage, and mechanical support, among other functions. All varieties of pomegranate plant roots are dicotyledonous. Below are some functions of the dicotyledonous root class of the pomegranate:

  • The root system’s primary job is to anchor the plant to the ground or other surface to provide support.
  • Roots are necessary for the soil’s ability to absorb water and minerals. The transporting of water and minerals are to other areas of the plant is done by the vascular system in the root.
  •  The root system also stores a lot of food particles in various tissues like the cortex, pith, and conjunctive tissue.
  • Because of their enormous surface area, pomegranate can perform osmosis and diffusion with its root.

Pomegranate roots adaptation to different soil types?

They can develop in a range of environments. However, if an effective drainage system is in place, they may be found in soil with a pH as low as 5.5. The best soil to grow pomegranate is sandy loam soil.

Pomegranate can adapt well in a sandy soil, though sandy soil isn’t the best for planting, its good drainage makes it quiet okay to grow pomegranate roots on. However, fertilizers should be used on this kind of soil.

For clay soil, pomegranate might not grow well there, this is because of the bad or poor drainage system of clay soil. Soil with a bad drainage can invite pests and pathogens that can cause harm to the soil and to the plant root also. Basically, pomegranates can adapt well to any kind of soil type as long as the right condition is put in place. Adequate sunlight remains the most necessary condition for pomegranates to grow well.

Examples of plant that doesn’t need a very good soil to grow

  • Lettuce
  • Lavender
  • Sunflower
  • Cup plant
  • Tick seed1

Pomegranate roots size in different soil types?

Based on research and experiment carried out by some researchers and scientist, majority showed that pomegranate plants perform better in shallow, light-textured soils than in deep, clayey soils in terms of root growth or root activity. The major reason is because light structured soil supports the intake of oxygen and helps to reduce soil damages that comes with heavy textured soil.

 Pomegranate roots adaptation  to different temperatures?

Pomegranates are widespread in the subtropics, tropics, and sub-temperate zones and are ideally suited to climates with hot, dry summers. However, some  varieties can withstand low temperatures of 10 degrees, others may suffer damage at 18 degrees. Some examples of pomegranates that can withstand low temperature are:

  • Eversweet
  • Kazake
  • Texas pink
  • Wonderful
  • Purple heart 2

Pomegranate can be grown in winter but if you intend to do this, it is better to grow or plant your pomegranate indoors. Here are some tips for growing pomegranate in a cold temperature:

  • During this time, make sure they have enough light, water, and warmth.
  • Avoid frost or ice falling on them.
  • Don’t overwater the pomegranate.

Examples of pomegranate that needs a high temperature to grow are:

  • Angel red
  • Granada
  • Parfianka

Pomegranates thrive in temperatures above 85 degrees because they are highly heated tolerant.

Pomegranate roots depth in the various soil types?

Pomegranate grows in almost any soil type and its soil type doesn’t contribute to how much the roots of the plant will grow. They grow two or three inches deep into the soil. The roots of pomegranate for all varieties of pomegranate roots are noninvasive

Citations used in this article:

  1. Plant for poor soil (
  2. best_pomegranate_varieties (gardener paths)