There is so much to learn about the sycamore tree, like how to keep it healthy and more. The sycamore is a gorgeous tree with a fascinating history, originating in the Mediterranean before spreading across Europe and eventually the US. They’re so big and sturdy looking — not to mention they’re a perfect climbing tree for children. Let us learn more about them in this article.

When Do Sycamore Trees get their Leaves?
Sycamores get their leaves in the spring, but the exact timing depends on where you live. Sycamore trees, for example, can leaf out as early as mid-March in the southern United States. But in northern New England, sycamores don’t leaf out until May or early June.
When Do Sycamore Trees Leaf Out?
Sycamore trees usually leaf out in late April or early May each year. In milder climates where winter temperatures do not dip below 15 degrees Fahrenheit, they will often break dormancy by mid-March, but that is rare in colder climates.
While most trees will start leafing out in early April, sycamore trees might start in May or June. This late leafing out maybe because sycamores are one of the first trees to lose their leaves in the fall, which gives them time to recover from winter before starting again for spring.
Does a Sycamore Tree have Flowers?
Yes, they do. Sycamore tree flowers are tiny and not very showy. The inconspicuous flowers open in April and May on the bare branches before the tree leaves out. They grow in clusters on the branches’ tips and look like small, round balls.
Learn more about when sycamores bloom.
When Do Sycamore Trees Produce Seeds?
Sycamore trees (Platanus occidentalis) produce seeds in the spring and summer months. Sycamore trees start their seed production at 20 years but do not produce mature seeds until 40. A sycamore tree can live for more than 200 years and keeps on with seed production for most of its life until it dies.
Sycamores produce seeds a lot, but the size and timing of seed production depend on several factors. Sycamore seeds sprout fast when planted in moist soil or damp peat moss. They germinate best at temperatures between 80 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
When Do Sycamore Trees Drop Their Seeds?
Most sycamore trees shed their seeds during the winter months when they are dormant. Tropical sycamores, such as those found in California and Florida, will drop seeds in the fall.
What Time of Year Do Sycamore Trees Drip Sap?
The sticky, milky sap from sycamore trees drips during the summer months. It is because pressure rises inside the vascular system of a sycamore tree as it delivers water upwards towards new shoots. This pressure can push sap out through even small cracks in the bark or when branches get broken off and left open to air exposure.
The sticky substance makes a mess on sidewalks and driveways and can be difficult to remove from clothing and skin. Learn why people plant sycamores, although they can be messy.
When Do Sycamore Trees Stop Dripping Sap?
The best way to stop a tree from dripping sap is to control the pests causing it to drip in the first place. If you notice your tree dripping, you should check for signs of an infestation.
Here are ways to stop a tree from dripping sap:
- Use a pruning sealant.
- Insecticides
Use a pruning sealant.
Seal the portions of the tree where you have trimmed branches with pruning sealant. The tree will not be able to drop sap from the regions where you clipped it once the pruning sealant has cured. 1
When you see evidence of an infestation of aphids, scale, or lace bugs, insecticide use on the tree is not a bad idea.
If your tree is still very young, it might not have many insects. And if that is the case, you might be able to get rid of them with neem oil pesticide or horticultural oil insecticide.
But if your tree is older and has many insects, you may need another option. Use the services of a professional arborist to get rid of them altogether.
When Do Sycamore Trees Stop Growing?
The age at which the tree stops growing depends on both the tree and its environment. A sycamore planted next to a building or fence might stop growing taller once it reaches the same height as the structure.
Trees’ growth rates get affected by environmental factors such as soil conditions and climate. Sycamores prefer deep, moist soil and will grow faster when not in dry soils, although they adapt well to most soil conditions. Trees in hot climates are likely to grow faster than those.
Sycamore trees are fast-growing trees that can be more than 6 feet in just their first year. They grow at a rate of 2 to 4 feet per year, reaching heights of 50 feet within 15 years and up to 90 feet within 30 years.
Will a Sycamore Tree Grow Back?
As soon as you cut down your sycamore tree, it will be trying to grow back. The stump of your tree is still alive, and so are its roots. New growth will begin forming at the base of the stumps in as little as a few months after removal.
The bad news is that the new growth will not be the same size as the parent tree (which may have been growing for more than half a century).
How to Tell If a Sycamore Tree is Dying?
If you feel you have a problem with your sycamore tree, here are some suggestions to help determine if it is sick or dying.
- Trunk Holes
- Fallen Branches
- Leaf Quantity
- Presence of a Disease
Trunk Holes
Check for any holes in the trunk. If you find a few tiny openings, these may show that your sycamore might have gotten infested with pests such as ants or boring beetles.
As a mature tree, you’ll notice that your sycamore has plenty of trunk holes. At some point, many types of trees will experience cavities or holes in their trunks as they grow. Some people may mistakenly think that these holes in trees represent decay or weakening, but there are natural reasons for them – and it’s normal for some trees to develop more than others do.
Here are a few things to keep in mind about these natural features
- Tree cavities can be caused by insects like beetles.
- They can also be caused by other animals like squirrels, who often build nests within hollowed-out parts of trees.
- Cavities can also form when woodpeckers drill into a tree in search of food. In addition to all three of these causes, sometimes a cavity is simply created when part of an older branch dies off and falls out.
Fallen Branches
Check if any branches have fallen from the trunk from their original position on the tree. It could be a sign of poor pruning techniques or a lack of proper maintenance by previous owners or landscapers.
Sycamore trees are very susceptible to storm damage during windstorms. Be sure to have your sycamores looked at after any major storms to ensure that their branches are not damaged and pose a threat of falling and injuring anyone walking nearby. In addition, be sure to cut off any branches that fall on your property as these can be a fire hazard or should be left up if they’re near power lines.
If you have any more questions about how to care for your sycamore trees, please give our arborists a call. They can answer your questions and help you keep your trees healthy so they stay strong and beautiful for years to come.
Leaf Quantity
Also, look at how many leaves are on each branch and how thick they are. If there are more leaves than usual, this might show problems with irrigation systems used in the wrong way. It causes excessive stress on plants due to over-watering.
Presence of a Disease
Another possible reason your tree might appear unhealthy could be because of diseases.
Below are common diseases causing your tree to die.
- Leaf Spot
- Anthracnose
- Sycamore Leaf Blotch Miner
Leaf Spot
The leaf spot fungus affects sycamore trees in late spring or early summer and kills new growth. The fungus causes brown or black spots that may merge over time. Severe cases may cause the leaves to turn yellow, wilt, and drop before time.
The most common disease affecting sycamores is the leaf spot. Symptoms include dark brown spots on both sides of the leaves. Leaf drop may follow but is not necessary for diagnosis. To keep your trees healthy, perform pruning as needed to prevent overgrowth and make sure they get plenty of water when needed.
If you see signs of a fungal infection, consult with an arborist or your local extension office. Fungicides are generally ineffective against leaf spot diseases; it’s best to prevent them from occurring in the first place by keeping up with regular maintenance.
In the early spring, anthracnose fungus infects the leaves of sycamore trees. These fungal infections cause uncommon-shaped dark spots on the leaves that spread into one another, causing entire leaves to turn brown and die.
The most effective way to prevent anthracnose is to remove as many dead leaves and branches from around your tree as possible so that when rain does come, it has somewhere to go besides through your tree’s branches.
Water can build up under dead leaves and cause rot. If you have noticed any signs of anthracnose, such as wilting or discoloration of leaves, you should consider removing affected parts of your tree immediately.
If left untreated, anthracnose can lead to death in severe cases. However, minor infestations often resolve themselves over time with no intervention necessary. Fungicides can be used if the infection is minor but isn’t going away on its own.
Sycamore Leaf Blotch Miner
Leaf blotch miner attacks young sycamore trees between May and September. The infection causes foliage that is less dense than usual.
The Sycamore leaf blotch miner is a moth of the family Depressariidae. It is found in Europe. The wingspan is about 19 mm. The moth flies from mid-June to August depending on the location. The larva feed on Acer pseudoplatanus. They live within rolled leaves.
This pest can cause significant damage to a tree’s foliage if left untreated. Fortunately, it’s not difficult to identify and treat leaf blotch miner damage. Learn more about how to stop leaf blotch miners from damaging your sycamore trees here.
When a leaf blotch miner’s larvae hatch, they burrow into your trees’ leaves. The larvae cause damage by chewing on your leaves, which can significantly weaken and slow down your trees. If you notice any signs of leaf blotch miner activity in your sycamores, it’s critical that you begin treating them right away to prevent further damage.
Citations Used in this Article
- How to Stop a Tree From Dripping Sap – Woodsman Inc. (