How Do Almond Trees Reproduce? Everything To Know About Almond Tree Reproduction

Almond trees just like humans can also reproduce. Without reproduction there would be no new plants and farming would be futile.

As important as reproduction is to plant life, so is propagation, and pollination. Let’s discuss how Almond trees do these things that are essential to its growth.

Almond trees blooming in an orchard

How Do Almond Trees Reproduce?

The flowers of the Almond tree contain both female and male reproducing organs (haemaphroditic). When another organism is pollinating a flower with the pollen from a different flower, the pollen which produces the sperm must come in contact with the ovule (which contains the egg) in order for the production of a seed to occur.

The almond tree is sporophyte dominant, it undergoes meiosis to become haploid spores which are then gametophyte until they fertilize and become a zygote. The zygotes then undergo mitosis and are in their dominant form, sporophyte.

The almond trees normally start blooming in March. When they are pollinated they start producing fruit in October. 1

How Do You Propagate An Almond Tree?

One of the most effective ways to propagate an almond tree is by budding. However, you can also propagate am almond tree by seed and softwood cuttings.

How To Propagate By Softwood Cuttings

In softwood cuttings propagation,young shoots from woody plants are cut off and planted as roots. Here’s how to do it.

  • To begin, get a seedling tray or small pots and fill it with a generous amount of compost or potting manure.
  • Poke holes in the manure. (These holes are for the young shoots)
  • Cut the selected young shoots off. Ensure these shoots are 3 to 4 inches long and just above a leaf node. Remove any leaves from the lower part of the shoot.
  • Get a rooting hormone and following its instructions, apply it to the lower part of the shoot.
  • Put the shoots in the holes then, press and spread the potting mix firmly around them.
  • Water the plant thoroughly.

How To Propagate By Budding

Budding is a form of tree grafting where buds an almond are grafted onto rootstock of another compatible tree.

You can graft an almond bud into the rootstock by either T-budding or chip budding.

When grafting via T-budding, a T-shaped cut is made in the rootstock and then you place an almond bud under the bark of the cut. Secure the almond in place with a grafting tape or a thick rubber band.

Chip budding, involves using a shield-shaped chip is cut out of the rootstock and replacing it with a properly fitting shield-shaped chip containing an almond bud. It is held in place with a grafting tape. 2

How Many Bees Does It Take To Pollinate An Almond Tree?

It takes two colonies of bees which contain 20,000 bees per colony, to pollinate an acre of Almond trees.

Do You Need 2 Almond Trees To Produce Fruit?

Yes, you need two compatible varieties of Almond trees to produce fruit that also have corresponding bloom periods. This is because most varieties of Almonds are self-incompatible. Examples of compatible varieties of Almonds are

  • Price and Non-Pariel,
  • Aldrich and Peerless
  • Carmel and Price
  • Fritz and Sonora
  • Mission and Wood colony

Can You Grow An Almond Tree From A Nut?

Yes, it is indeed possible to grown an Almond Tree from a nut. Although, it has to be an unprocessed, unpasteurised, unroasted, and unshelled nut. These nuts can only be gotten directly from a farmer, or abroad. It is important to bear in mind that your best bet for a fruitful and healthy Almond tree is to plant a sapling.

How To Grow An Almond Tree From A Nut

Get a container or pot and fill it with tap water. Soak at least a dozen nuts inside the container for at about 8 hours, then drain the water.

Next, crack each nut just enough so the interior is exposed. You can do this using a nutcracker.

Fill your container with sphagnum moss or line it with a moist paper towel. Cover the container with a plastic wrap to lock in moisturise.

Carefully arrange your nuts into this container and place it in the fridge for 2 to 3 months. Check regularly to ensure the container is still moist.

After said time has elapsed, fill another container with potting soil and put the seeds 2.5cm deep into the soil. Water the nuts and place them in the full sun.

Water the nuts once a week or whenever you notice the soil feeling dry 1 ½ inches down into the soil.

When the nuts have germinated and grown 18 inches in height, transplant them. And that is how to grown an almond tree from a nut. 3

Why Is My Almond Tree Not Producing Almonds?

There are a number of reasons why your Almonds are not blooming or producing Almonds.

  • The tree is simply resting. This usually happens when the tree had a very bountiful harvest the previous year.
  • Your tree might have a disease. Fire blight and blossom blight are diseases that could negatively affect your trees blossoms.
  • Lack of water. Almonds require a tremendous amount of water to thrive. When they do not get that amount, they do the opposite of thrive. 4

Do Almonds Smell Good?

Yes, Almonds smell good. Almonds have a strong, and sweet scent. The flowers smell sweet and floral as well. However, sweet almonds have a less intense smell because they do not possess Amygdalin. Their smell comes from Benzaldehyde.

Are Almond Blossoms Fragrant?

Yes, you can say that Almond blossoms are Fragrant. It is said that they smell sweet and floral with gourmand nuance of almond.

Can You Eat Almond Blossoms?

Yes, Almond blossoms can be eaten. They are not poisonous or harmful so they can be eaten as a finishing garnish.

Citations Used In This Article

  1. Almond Tree Blossoms ( bioweb.uwlax.)
  2. Almond Propagation Methods: Tips On Propagating Almond Trees (gardeningknowhow).
  3. Planting Almond Nuts – How To Grow An Almond From Seed (gardeningknowhow).
  4. No Flowers On Almond Trees: Reasons For An Almond Tree Not Flowering (gardeningknowhow).