What you should know before planting a sycamore tree 

If you do not have a sycamore tree in your yard, you may have wondered if the sycamore tree is an exceptional ornamental tree for your yard. If you are thinking about planting a sycamore tree, there are some things that you should know before making this decision. To make decision-making easier, keep reading to learn more about the sycamore tree. 


What should I do before planting a Sycamore tree? 

The first thing you should do before planting a sycamore tree is to make sure that the soil is well prepared. Fill the hole with dirt and water it for about 4 to 6 hours. It will help the soil loosen up, and your tree will have a good start at growing. 

You can also add some fertilizer or compost to the hole so that it can grow faster and better. 

You should also check on the tree after two weeks of planting it. If it does not look healthy or has pests, you should take care of it fast. 

The best time to plant a Sycamore tree is between mid-April and early May, but it can survive during winter as long as there’s enough moisture in the soil. 

If you live in a cold climate, though, you may find that your sycamore doesn’t grow very fast because it needs more moisture than most trees do to thrive.  

In warm climates, you may want to wait until summertime before planting. 

What tree is like a sycamore tree? 

A sycamore tree is like a beech tree because of its round canopy. A sycamore tree also has a high fruit production and is very popular for forestry. The sycamore tree is a deciduous tree that can grow up to 100 feet tall and 70 feet wide, with the trunk around 10 inches in diameter. 

Sycamore maple is also like the sycamore tree. Learn about the sycamore maple

What is the best fertilizer for a sycamore tree? 

The best fertilizer for a sycamore tree is a complete organic fertilizer. It will be the cheapest option and will provide the most benefits.1

Sycamore trees are hardy evergreens and do not need much attention other than regular watering during dry spells. But they need some primary care to thrive. 

A good fertilizer for sycamore trees contains all the vital nutrients these trees need to grow, so you must choose one that meets your needs. 

Today’s market offers a variety of fertilizer varieties, each with unique qualities and applications. 

What you should know before planting a sycamore tree 

Here are some things to know before planting this tree: 

  • Be sure to plant the tree in a location that receives full sun, but not too much direct sunlight, as this could cause the tree to become leggy or lose its shape. 
  • The sycamore is an evergreen tree with no need for winter protection or cupping. But, if you live in an area with heavy snowfall, you may add a few layers of mulch around the base of the tree. It helps insulate it from cold temperatures while protecting it from wind damage. 
  • Sycamore trees can grow up to 75 feet tall and spread to 50 feet wide when mature. 

What is the best Sycamore tree stage to buy? 

You can buy a sycamore tree: 

  • Containerized 
  • Bare root  

Containerized Sycamore Trees 

These trees are much easier to move around in your yard or garden, which makes them popular with people who want to change their landscape every few years. 

Bare-root Sycamore Trees 

If you prefer bare-root trees, there are various sycamore trees on the market. Some can grow as tall as 40 feet. You will be able to find one that grows up to 20 feet. 

Another aspect of bare-root sycamore trees is that some kinds perform better in their natural habitat. 

Where to grow Sycamore tree farm and nursery 

Let us look at sycamore growing on a farm and nursery. 

Sycamore Growing on a Farm 

Growing sycamore trees on a farm are easy; they like full sun and well-drained soil. You can plant them directly from seed or transplant them from an existing tree nursery or nursery stock container. Your sycamores will not be ready to bear fruit for the first five years after planting from seed. 

Nursery for Growing Sycamore Trees 

You can plant a sycamore tree in a nursery, but only if it is not mature. The tree will grow slowly and may take several years to mature. For example, a young sycamore tree planted in a nursery grows outside the pot after around two or three years. But it will take more time to mature if you plant an older one. 

You should use an experienced gardener who knows how to handle trees when planting them in nurseries. 

How can I get the best Sycamore tree online? 

The best way to get the best Sycamore tree online is by researching. You can do this by searching for information on the Internet or talking to people who have had experience with Sycamore trees. 

But first, find out if there are any local suppliers of Sycamore trees in your area. It will help you decide whether it is worthwhile to order from them. 

Next, you should check the size of the trees they carry to ensure they are big enough for your needs. It can be preferable to order from a local source rather than someone who does not have many sizes in stock. 

Learn more about where to get sycamore trees.

What pests affect the Sycamore tree? 

Some pests that can affect this tree include:  

  • Scale insect (Coccidiosis) 
  • Aphids 
  • Bagworm (Thripidae) 
  • Sycamore gall fly 
  • The white pine sawyer (Trigonognathus Pinicola) 
  • Ants 
  • Caterpillars 

Scale insect 

The scale insect is a tiny white or gray insect that appears on the leaves of the Sycamore tree. It can cause damage to the leaf surface, like yellowing.  


These are small green-black insects that feed on plant sap by inserting their mouthparts into plant tissues and sucking out plant juices. Aphids often appear as little black specks on leaves but may also appear as large colonies that cover entire branches of leaves or needles.  

Sycamore gall fly 

The Sycamore gall fly causes galls to form on the branches. It lays its eggs in the bark, and then when it hatches, it feeds on sap from the tree. The damage is usually only cosmetic but will cause a great deal of stress on the tree and weaken it over time. 


They appear on the trunk or branches of the sycamore tree. These ants feed on plant sap as a source of food. It can lead to ant damage on the bark of your tree, which will cause it to become dry and cracked. You may notice ants walking around inside your house if this happens. 


Caterpillars are insects that feed on leaves of trees and shrubs while they are still green or growing up from seedlings. They may cause damage by chewing holes in your leaves or cutting off parts of them with their mandibles (jaws).  

How to control pests on a Sycamore tree 

The first step in controlling the sycamore tree pest is identifying the problem. Here are two basic ways to identify the problem: 

If the leaves are yellow, brown, or turning yellow, it is probably an insect infestation. 

Check the bark if tiny worm-like creatures are running up and down the trunk of your tree. If there are, it means it has a fungal infection. 

General ways to control pests include: 

  • Prune the tree early in the spring. Remove any dead or damaged branches, and thin out smaller ones to increase air circulation. 
  • Apply a mulch around the base of your tree to help keep down weeds, improve soil moisture retention and keep you from watering too much during dry weather. 
  • Use fertilizer every year if you live in an area with lots of pests like aphids, whiteflies, and mites on your sycamore trees. 
  • Remove leaves that fall to the ground for two reasons:  
  1. They decay and attract pests. 
  2. It shades other trees, which can cause them to die. 

Citations Used for this Article 

  1. What is the best fertilizer for sycamore trees? – Answers