How Do You Plant Pomegranate? Understanding  How To  Grow  A Pomegranate  Fruit.

The Pomegranate tree is a that grows in the middle east, south Asia, and the Mediterranean parts of the world. It is Pomegranate can be grown as a fruit tree or ornamental tree. As you keep reading, you will get some of your Pomegranate tree questions answered.


How do you plant pomegranates?

Pomegranate can be planted through its seeds, from cuttings and air layering. Pomegranate trees are perennial, evergreen, and of modest size. It is thought that the pomegranate originated in the area extending from northern India to Iran. Pomegranate perennial plant with a long lifespan that is grown for its enticing and healthy fruits. It has several little bushes that are deciduous. If the conditions are right, the plant might eventually turn into a little tree. It may grow as tall as 10 meters at times.

Methods for planting pomegranate

Seeds: Genetic differences may appear as plants are developed from seeds, and the outcomes may be unexpected. This occasionally results in stronger plants, and occasionally it causes pomegranate plants to produce hardly edible fruits.

 Cuttings: Pomegranate cuttings make for exceptionally simple pomegranate growth. The length of the cuts should be between 12 and 16 inches (35 and 40 cm). Cut the branches to stimulate development, soak the cut end in rooting hormone, and plant the branches in the ground or, even better, in a larger flower pot filled with top-notch potting soil that drains well. The optimal time to sow cuttings is between February and March when the pomegranate plant is still dormant.

Air layering: Except for the fact that roots are accomplished while the branch is still attached to the mother tree, air layering is comparable to planting from cuttings. To plant through air layering, you  would need to apply these two simple steps:

Select a branch, remove a small amount of bark from it (just enough to cause “damage”), and then sprinkle the rooting hormone on it.

Wrap a nylon bag over the selected branch, then fill it with dirt that will keep moisture. The branch will eventually embed roots into the nylon bag.

Fresh, young plants are ready for planting in permanent positions in the autumn or even earlier, depending on location, variety, growth vigor, etc. The best time for air layering is in the late winter or early spring.

How To Plant Pomegranate Seeds From Fruit

Planting pomegranate from fruit is very simple and is achieved by separation, drying, placing the seed in the fridge, and finally distributing the seeds outside. They are further explained below:

Separation:  Separate the juice from the fresh seeds. Fresh pomegranate seeds can be germinated, but it will take a lot longer if you don’t remove them from the juice and give them a good rinsing. Roll a rolling pin over the pomegranate chunks after placing them between two paper towels.  After that, drain the seeds well in a colander. The paper towels will absorb the fluid, leaving the actual seeds apart. Of course, you may forgo pre-soaking pomegranate seeds if you purchase them fully separated from the juice and prepared for planting.

Drying of the seeds: Remove the seeds from the paper towel, and spread them out on a tray to dry out any form of moisture present.

Place the seeds in the fridge with a flimsy lid on. Allow them to stay there for a few weeks. This assists in accelerating germination by simulating the time the seeds would have spent in the cooler ground throughout the winter before sprouting the following spring.

Simply distribute the seeds over the ground outside, gently press them down, or cover them with a thin layer of more soil.

How Do You Plant Pomegranate Seeds?

Simply scatter the seeds outdoors, gently push them into the ground, or cover them with a thin layer of dirt. Don’t worry about space at first. So that you may subsequently remove the weaker seedlings, only the strongest seedlings should stay in the ground. The seeds are to be kept in potting soil, many seeds can be sown in each container. To save just the healthiest seedlings, you can remove part of them as they sprout. If you use indoor pots, keep in mind to put them where they could get the most sunshine for this sunshine is essential for their growth.

How Deep Do I Plant Pomegranate Seeds?

Sow the seeds between half and one inch deep( 1 or 15in). Also maintaining or sustaining warmth and moisture will promote germination of the seeds planted.

How Often To Water Pomegranate Seeds?

The pomegranate plant can withstand drought, but you’ll get better results if you water it every five to seven days when the weather is dry. Additionally, anytime the soil surface feels or appears dry, it’s a good idea to water the pomegranate. Also misting or light irrigation of the soil is recommended, but not to the point where it gets soggy. The goal of keeping the seeds moist is to speed up the germination process.

How To Plant Pomegranate From Cuttings?

Cuttings are exactly what they sound like: Snipped pieces of a living tree’s limb that take root in water or potting soil. Plant the cuttings in a bright, well-draining area after bundling them together. To cut effectively, sticks should be buried in a hole that is 3 inches deeper than their length. Dig them up in the spring and put them in the ground, leaving only the top half of each one exposed. Wait for them to begin to show indications of growth while keeping the soil moist but not soggy.

For the simplest method of plating pomegranate cuttings, use hardwood cuttings. They don’t need misting because of their slow or soft development.

How Do I plant Pomegranate Seeds?

Scoop out some seeds, rinse them in cool water, and then wipe the pulp off of them with a paper towel. To prevent the seeds from decaying, let them a few days to dry out. Before planting your seedlings, wait until the last of the frigid weather has passed. They don’t need misting because of their slow or soft development. Take enough cuttings that are between 7 and 10 inches long. 1, and then plant them in a well-drained potting mix.

Water requirement for pomegranate trees

Pomegranates should receive at least one inch of water every week for optimum development and output. Water is necessary while it’s drying out. The fruit can drop too soon if it isn’t adequately irrigated during dry seasons. Pomegranates typically have bushy growth and root suckers. Before planting your seedlings, wait until the last of the frigid weather has passed. You must thoroughly water the area before planting, and you should keep watering liberally during the first growing season. The pomegranate can even tolerate drought circumstances after the tree roots have taken hold, so you can prune.

If the tree receives 50 to 60 inches of water each year, it will be the happiest and most prolific. During the dry season, irrigate at least twice a month. To prevent fruit from splitting, the soil will have to be kept wet can. If temperature drops, overhead watering can also be employed to keep trees from freezing and becoming frost-damaged.

Does the pomegranate tree need a lot of water?

At planting, thorough irrigation is necessary, however, once the tree roots are rooted and matured, you can reduce the amount of water supply being given to the plant, and the pomegranate can even stand drought and dry weather conditions.

Citation used in this article

Method for planting pomegranate(Wikihow).

