Philodendron Indoor Houseplants: Propagating them with Leaves.

There are other indoor houseplants apart from peperomia, one of them is philodendrons. Philodendrons are a diverse group of plants, and there are many varieties. They generally have long stems and can grow up to 30 feet tall. The leaves are usually large and heart-shaped or round with a broad base. Some varieties have variegated leaves while others are solid green. Get some of the answers about this plant as you read.


How many types of philodendrons are there?

There are more than 100 types of philodendron. Some of them, like the kalanchoe, are slow to grow and need a lot of attention. Others are much faster growers, so you’ll want to plant one in a pot that you can move around at will.

Philodendrons come in several different shapes and sizes, with leaves ranging from simple green to variegated or spotted green. The most common type is the heart leaf philodendron, which has long leafstalks that resemble the shape of a heart. There are also variegated or striped leaf types, such as the rosette philodendron. Some have leaves that look like they’re growing out of their stems instead of on them, while others have almost no leaves.

What are the different types of philodendrons?

Below are some types of philodendrons.1

  • Philodendron rugosum
  • Philodendron selloum
  • Philodendron cordatum
  • Philodendron silver stripe
  • Philodendron melanochrysum
  • Philodendron gloriosum
  • Philodendron xanadu
  • Philodendron congo rojo
  • Philodendron goeldii
  • Philodendron florida beauty
  • Philodendron mayoi
  • Philodendron prince of orange
  • Philodendron sharoniae
  • Philodendron hederaceum
  • Philodendron brasil
  • Philodendron brandtianum
  • Philodendron Hastatum
  • Philodendron white knight
  • Philodendron bipennifolium
  • Philodendron pedatum
  • Philodendron moonlight
  • Philodendron erubescens
  • Philodendron micans

What is the most common philodendron?

Philodendrons indoor houseplants are a type of plant that comes in many varieties. Some of the more common ones include:

  • Philodendron hederaceum
  • Rugosum philodendron

Philodendron hederaceum (heart-leaf philodendron)

It is a popular philodendron, which has heart-shaped leaves that are green on their undersides and pinkish on their outsides. It also grows quite tall and can reach up to 8 feet in height!

Rugosum Philodendron (giant heart-leaf philodendron)

This particular species is not as common as some others, but it does exist and grows up to 10 feet tall! Its leaves are also unique because they have five lobes instead of four or six like most other types of philodendrons.

Benefits of philodendron houseplant

There are many benefits of philodendron houseplants to your home. Below are some of them:

  • They have a long life span, so you don’t have to worry about the plant dying.
  • These plants do not require much care and they thrive in most environments.
  • Philodendrons can grow quite large, so they can help with decorating your entire living room or kitchen area.
  • You can also place them in small spaces that need extra space or color. They are perfect for apartment dwellers who want to make their homes look more attractive without spending a lot of money on decorations.
  • The leaves of these plants have been used for centuries to treat various ailments.
  • These plants come in many different colors and varieties, so you will have an endless supply of choices when choosing what kind of philodendron to use in your home.

What kind of soil does philodendron need?

The type of soil that philodendrons need is a well-draining, acidic, loamy soil with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5. It must not be too dry or too wet, as the plant will not survive in either condition. Philodendrons prefer to grow in full sun, but they can tolerate partial shade as long as there is enough light for them to grow.

Philodendrons get generally considered hardy in Zone 9 and 10, but they are sensitive to cold weather, so they should get protected from frost during the winter. They also dislike very hot temperatures, so if your location gets too hot during the summer months, you may want to move your philodendron indoors or give it some shade.

Philodendron water requirements

One can take off philodendron easily. It requires only light watering and occasional fertilization. Do not overwater them, as this can cause root rot or other problems. If the plant has a dry spot, take care of it immediately so it does not develop into a hole in the potting soil or rot away entirely.

In general, philodendrons indoor houseplants need about 1/4 inch of water per week to thrive. If you live in a hot climate and are watering your plants more often, your plant will likely benefit from being repotted into larger containers with more drainage holes. However, it is vital to remember that many philodendrons can tolerate some dryness. It is possible if their roots are kept moist but not wet (it is especially true if they are growing indoors).

Philodendron light requirements

Most philodendrons need bright light, not direct light. They should be kept in a location where they get as much direct sunlight in the morning as possible, and not get placed in an overcast, shady spot. Give the plant a full eight hours of daylight per day.

The plants will also benefit from low temperatures (around 65 degrees Fahrenheit), but avoid placing them near heat or air conditioning vents or fans.

Philodendrons indoor houseplants can grow up to 25 feet tall and have long, narrow leaves that are a rich green color with purple veins running through them. Its care is fairly easy, as these plants require minimal maintenance and thrive when given proper care.

How do you propagate philodendron with leaves?

There are two ways to propagate philodendrons indoor houseplants with leaves. The first is to take cuttings from healthy plants and root them in water. The second method is to take leaf cuttings from healthy plants and plant them in potting soil. To take cuttings from healthy philodendron plants, remove the leaves from the plant and cut them into small pieces. You can also use a sharp knife to slit the stem at intervals until it breaks off easily. Then place the leaves in a jar of water with enough room to allow for proper circulation. Place this jar in a sunny spot where it will get plenty of sunlight and warmth (but not direct sun). Keep the water at room temperature, but don’t let it get too hot or cold. Check on your “cuttings” every few days, removing any that have died or become moldy or slimy because they have gone bad. If you have trouble keeping up with them, try using a Styrofoam cup instead of a glass jar; these containers hold more water than regular jars do and are more durable than glass jars.

How do you take care of a philodendron plant?

Philodendron indoor houseplants care is easy if you perform well in some areas. These areas include:

  • Lighting
  • Watering
  • Fertilizing


Bright indirect sunlight is best for these plants. During the winter months, they can live in low light conditions with little to no direct sunlight, however, they will not flower as often or produce as many flowers as they would in brighter conditions.


Philodendron houseplants require regular watering during their growing season (spring through fall). During the winter months, they may need less water but still need to be watered every week or two if they’re allowed to dry out completely. During the summer months, when temperatures are hotter than usual, philodendrons must receive enough water so that their roots won’t get too hot or too cold!


Fertilize philodendrons once every month with an all-purpose liquid houseplant fertilizer.

Where to buy philodendron indoor houseplant

You can get the philodendron indoor houseplants online.